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Any of you guys out there dealing with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

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Looks like I might have to deal with it, we are still waiting on some tests to come back but all signs point to it. Any tips about ways to deal with it (or fake stuff that sucks to avoid), still ride, or if you had surgery and how that was, please share. Thanks!

YES. as well as arthritis in my hands. Last week I hit a dirt jump and my hand blew off the grip upon landing.

I would suggest against surgery. I've never known anyone that had 100% good results from it.

Stretching your fingers is what I and others have found to work well for CT. Bend your fingers up towards the back of your hand and hold it for a minute. Repeat. Go gentle....

The thing that works best is to not use my hands. Not really an option though.

Narcoleptic Insomniac:
I currently have what I assume is golfer's elbow which is kind of related. It sucks and I haven't been to a doctor. I usually just ride through the pain but sometimes it gets to be a bit much and when that happens I have to take a week or so off from riding.

this may sound really stupid but drink alot of water!
i've had to deal with cts and tendosynovitis alot because of drawing/engraving all day and then riding bikes afterwards.

for about half a year now i am much better but still not fine.
wear large sweatbands when you go ride and do alot of physical work with your hands. it is really important to keep your joints and especially wrist warm not to abuse the tendonts!
also cts is related to kidney problems because first if your body is dehydrated (wich happens easyly when you go and ride) both your kidney and tendon sheaths are getting easyly damaged plus if you stell well hydrated your body is naturally "lubricated" and the friction in your sheaths and joints is lower. really is or at least seems to be. also for me helps is when i don't have to switch between fine motor work with my hands (like drawing etc.) and rough work and if i do so taking my time, GENTLY stretching alot and as i said drinking rediculous amounts of water.
also i am a bit addicted to rice milk and amazake lately and thought about it may being related with my hands being much better too...

so keep your wrist warm, when you ride and when you go to bed! because you body cools down at night and i used to have terrible cramps waking up at night. maybe use a warming cream, ginger-chili rub or similar from time to time.
drink water
and stretch.
then you shoul get alot better.

ah... and also eat alot of stuff that is generally good against any kind of inflammation, like garlic, ginger, fresh chili, etc.

best of luck and get well soon!

carpal tunnel in both wrists and arthritis....worst part is when I feel my right arm vibrating/shaking up past my elbow (if that makes sense)

it really makes me angry to the point of crying/freaking out sometimes, especially when I'm working on really intricate equipment at work and my hands freeze up, resulting in me dropping wrenches/bolts/tools and having to start over again.

I try to do hand/wrist exercises and take little breaks when working. When I'm home my fiance has this eucalyptus/mint lotion that she rubs on my wrists when I need it and it helps. Tiger balm works well too.

I tried wearing braces but all that does is hinder me and piss me off. I want to get surgery, but couldn't due to my woman being out of work until just a few weeks ago. Once my credit cards are payed off and we have a few grand in savings in going to schedule surgery. Hopefully by Christmas.

I hope you get better soon, carpal tunnel fucking sucks. 


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