The Street > The Lounge

Any of you guys out there dealing with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

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I say DON'T get the surgery, at least until you've tried everything else. 

I developed carpal tunnel type symptoms when I was doing a temp job that involved 8 hours of computer mouse clicking in a database every day of the week for about 10 months (a boring job that paid very well).  I burned out my right arm, then switched the mouse to my left, then burned it out too.

Nothing helped until I quit that job and quit using a computer at all for several months.  It was repetitive strain injury.   

I ended up taking a couple of jobs after that which involved very minimal computer work.  Now I can use computers again, but I do have to have it set up correctly. I have to have the keyboard and mouse low on a keyboard tray--not high up on the desk.  If I use that type of desk setup, symptoms will come right back within a day.

The bad part is I can't play guitar at all anymore. That brings the symptoms back.

Don't mess up your body.  Quit doing whatever it is that is triggering this.

all those years of bikeguide moderation finally take their toll


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