The Street > The Lounge


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--- Quote from: Bunky on July 28, 2015, 09:38:28 PM ---What about Jasper Tavington Esquire?

--- End quote ---

He was one of the originals. He returned with a slew of names, but was inevitably banned by letting down his guard or posting something that pissed off sheep. Anyone recall Brendan's BG name? He was also another early member. I believe it was Brent Webb who started TAH.

Nerds, they called us nerds, Gary.

Prodigal Son:
If we don't treat the internet with the respect that it deserves, it could one day be gone forever.

Frentsworth was a cunt.

It was an interesting thought that came up. There was a dude named Zach I think from Colombus,OH who was all about hardcore.


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