The Street > The Lounge

Apple's iCar or whatever..

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It's not a natural enough progression. Self driving cars would need to be deeply established in our culture for this to happen, which is still years off. It's definitely feasible, but I don't think it will be Apple who implement it as you say. Once self driving cars are fully integrated (Oxford university are working on one with I think Nissan or Toyota, used to drive round my old work and local area, was driving on the roads 2+ years ago, so it isn't just Google who are pushing this) it would still be a generation before what you suggest will be marketable.

I can definitely see this happening, but I wouldn't be too stoked on it. I enjoy driving quite a bit, excluding of course the stop and go when I'm commuting to the office (108 km drive). Although one of the guys on my crew is totally ready for this to happen. But then, he's the kind of guy who doesn't do any maintenance on vehicles he's owned, never swapped from summer tires to winters, etc.

Prodigal Son:
How are execs going to let you know you have a shit pod and are not as good as they are? Apple will do the gold pod?

ugh, well first off thanks for that nightmare vision of the future which is worse because people will run to it arms out stretched especially if there's an apple logo on it and give me convenience or give me death, right?

i think it will take more than five years and many more to get to the jetson's standard of living. i imagine the rather more lame 'johnny cabs' from the running man to be the actual result, besides, i think you underestimate the london cab drivers union.

i think i saw a headline (but didn't check the story) of hoverboards being tested by pro skaters

now this is the one, if hoverboards come out before automated cars the future could be so many shades of rad, why sit in a box being shunted around when you can travel in such expressive style

people always wrongly assume that the best super power is flight* but if that's what the people want, then maybe it could be more conducive than a four day working week. world peace, here we come

people would love getting out of bed, obesity would be a thing of the past, recreational drugs obsolete and if it could be fuelled by some recycling element, then it really would be the shit

*it's infinite burritos and why do you need to fly if you can ride a bike?

Prodigal Son:
The Lexus hoverboard was something that's been around. Super cooled superconductors that lock a magnetic field. The skatepark they built was a track underneath. They could only hover over this 30cm wide. Not a use anywhere McFly board.


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