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Apple's iCar or whatever..

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That will not happen within the next 5-10 years.

I do see Apple trying to make their own self driving car, that of the likes of Google.


--- Quote from: Zoidberg on August 09, 2015, 08:38:11 PM ---ugh, well first off thanks for that nightmare vision of the future which is worse because people will run to it arms out stretched especially if there's an apple logo on it and give me convenience or give me death, right?

i think it will take more than five years and many more to get to the jetson's standard of living. i imagine the rather more lame 'johnny cabs' from the running man to be the actual result, besides, i think you underestimate the london cab drivers union.

i think i saw a headline (but didn't check the story) of hoverboards being tested by pro skaters

now this is the one, if hoverboards come out before automated cars the future could be so many shades of rad, why sit in a box being shunted around when you can travel in such expressive style

people always wrongly assume that the best super power is flight* but if that's what the people want, then maybe it could be more conducive than a four day working week. world peace, here we come

people would love getting out of bed, obesity would be a thing of the past, recreational drugs obsolete and if it could be fuelled by some recycling element, then it really would be the shit

*it's infinite burritos and why do you need to fly if you can ride a bike?

--- End quote ---

Initially, they will be expensive and they WILL be a status symbol, but of course there will be a similar urge to upgrade every year, so the MD will be using one first, and a few years later when the MD has a Pod4 the clerical staff will be picking up used Pod1's...

Hoverboards are a lot further out. If you fancy a hoverboard then you should try a onewheel:-

Had a go on one of these in June and am probably going to have to get one sooner or later. It would be very easy to imagine you are riding a hoverboard when you are on it. Lean forward and go effortlessly, very smooth, and super easy to learn and control. I got on and was doing 15 miles an hour feeling like I had almost complete control within 5 seconds.
Yes, for a journey of 2 or 3 miles its ideal, but you wouldn't want to go 100+ on anything like that.

A LOT of people in California (and Texas and Arizona and Nevada and lots of other states) are commuting on freeways for 10, 20, 30, 50 miles even, and its regularly 30 degrees. I love cycling, but you will never see significant numbers of people cycling for the majority of their journeys.

And this is before you consider, disabled people and the elderly etc. I would bet that a lot of Google and Apple exec's have parents that are 70+ and still driving and it scares them. Get them into a nice safe autonomous car and it buys several years of independence and quality of life...

By 2030 I reckon they will have banned people from driving their own cars on public roads unless their is a computer double checking what they are doing..


Narcoleptic Insomniac:
Let's not forget that by the time this technology is widely adopted a lot or dare I say, the majority of jobs will be done by robots and algorithms. There won't be long commutes to non existent jobs.

I consider this very unlikely. People usually speculate videly about Apple's product development and then it turns out to be almost nothing spectacular. My guess is that it would be a sort of iPad for the car that also work as a dashboard and have some minor car control abilities.

The whole concept of pod cars seem far fetched and nothing a sane business consultant would recommend looking into. I also cannot see this working for family trips or (most alarmingly) BMX roadtrips

Finn the Human:
I can see a subscription based self driving car thing coming around. Pay a monthly fee, get a car near/at your home. Get driven to work, decide to go for a beer, end up in a different city, get a car back home. It doesn't matter that its a different car because they're all the same.


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