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Apple's iCar or whatever..

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--- Quote from: JFax on August 11, 2015, 08:26:03 PM ---I decided to do a quick google search and the sources states between a dozen-several hundred engineers are on the project. There have also been meetings between Apple and car manufactors.

It could perhaps be that Apple is trying to reinvent the wheel, but I doubt that they want to make the car completely by themselves. Sure, they have the money, but buying a plant and setting everything up is still a huge (HUGE) risk. Perhaps a iMercedes?

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That's where I'd put my money on. Cell phones are seemingly a sure bet to be at the central hub of the mystical 'Internet of Things'. The fact that legislation is keeping your phone out of reach in the car makes it one of the few places where people have some 'distance' from their phone. This is unacceptable for Apple!

Anyways, if you were Apple, looking to get a further play in the IoT market, why not go for the most expensive thing besides a home? Home automation stuff seems to be a bit of a risky play, because the pace of change is too high. My parents house fingerprint deadbolts from a big company on their doors about 7 years ago. They don't work anymore, never really did - they won't be gambling on new tech anytime soon. I've read a few things about these Home Automation things fading out of relevance as fast they appear.

Assuming that home ownership is in decline (in urban NA anyway, renting making the most economic sense in these times) people just aren't investing enough into their rented apartments. But a brain in every manufacturers car, which could be an expectation within a few years (if not already) that plays nice with your phone, that might just be something Automakers would willingly let Neue Big Brother handle.

I bet it's just IOT related stuff...

The potential for added revenue by adding internet to your cars is MASSIVE!

I've been saying for years that someone needs to build an app that uses GPS and Satelite Radio to create targeted adds for people riding in vehicles.  Can you imagine getting done listening to the latest Brittney Spears song on Sirius and then hearing "looks like you're running low on fuel, stop in to Quick Trip and fill your tank and get one dollar off all specialty coffee drinks.  We're just 2 miles ahead on the right off exit 15.  Stop in today."


--- Quote from: Bunky on August 12, 2015, 11:28:07 AM ---I bet it's just IOT related stuff...

The potential for added revenue by adding internet to your cars is MASSIVE!

I've been saying for years that someone needs to build an app that uses GPS and Satelite Radio to create targeted adds for people riding in vehicles.  Can you imagine getting done listening to the latest Brittney Spears song on Sirius and then hearing "looks like you're running low on fuel, stop in to Quick Trip and fill your tank and get one dollar off all specialty coffee drinks.  We're just 2 miles ahead on the right off exit 15.  Stop in today."

--- End quote ---

'Wow it looks like that last ad increased your blood pressure - you sure hate your corporatised monetised existence don't you? Why not nip round to Ed's guns, also off exit 15, where Ed is a running Top Yourself TuesdayTM, just $50 for a cheap chinese hand gun, one bullet and a quiet parking space out back'

Let's be honest.

Look at what is at the forefront of automotive technology and it's guaranteed Apple is going to steal it than make it popular somehow. They're pretty the elvis of our time. What eminent is to rap, Apple is to whatever it is they do.

It's gonna be a HUD. Apparently they have some camera mounted vans driving around California, so maybe that HUD will have pop-ups that show you where to get specialty coffee drinks or whatever.


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