The Street > The Lounge

what is your profession?

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Prodigal, you have a cool sounding job.

Reminds me of the horticulture teacher at my highschool.  We thought he was the un-luckiest man on the planet because he was shot in the hip in Vietnam, had one of his eyes pulled out with a fish hook and replaced where he was cross eyed, and had been struck by lightning 3 times... one of which times he was crossing a barb wire fence and fell and cut his testicles open...

Some of us found out after highschool that he wasn't exactly so unlucky, as he owned the patent for purple roses, and got paid as a consultant by several large farming companies to fly in and check out crops when they had problems.  The reason he had been struck by lightning so many times is that he spent so much time in fields and was the tallest thing around.   He was a multimillionaire and never told anyone at the school and drove a really beat up old truck. 

I work at a high end american made cabinet company. We do new construction mostly and also squeeze a couple custom jobs in here and there.

Right now i am a department supervisor and am split between running the thermofoil department, which is my new gig and running back to work in the roughmill where I'm the #2 in charge... i like it but feel more comfortable in the mill. I can operate both departments on my own when needed wich is kickass.

I work for a utilities company. Right now I schedule paving for the jobs our construction crews complete. I also apply for permits so we can work on our gas lines that are in public land.

It's unbelievably easy, it pays more than I deserve. It's boring and I hate it.

London bicycle courier/ working class hero.

Website manager of an online cycle store.


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