The Street > The Lounge

what is your profession?

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Work for a small product design consultancy, though what we do is more engineering based, lots of injection mouldings, fabrication, mechanical design, electronics, etc. Most agencies will take an idea, loosely cad it up, visualise it and send you on your way, usually for it to fail at the production/compliance/management side. A lot of the work is medical at the moment since that's where the bigger money is, but get involved in pretty much every field from aerospace to dildos (really). The relatively unique thing about our co is that we oversee and manufacture stuff too, so we stay involved with projects from conception to wherever they end up. It's cool and a good ego buzz I won't lie, I get to work on an equal footing with some pretty impressive people, have my name on a tonne of patents and have done a bit of press and TV stuff. 'Glorified graphic designer' and 100% diva

Prodigal Son:
Buawahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Thanks Albie.

Union beverage handler for a large wholesale beer distributor. Just made the switch from first shift delivery to third shift warehouse. Warm months are winding down!

Tech officer in utilities company and occasional bike shop wanker.



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