The Street > The Lounge

Holy smokes its been a long time.

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Buzz Killington:
I havn't logged onto here in forever, but I still see a lot of user names I used to talk to years ago.

Well anyways I guess I am brought here by my latest injury, a torn ACL, 50% torn MCL, torn meniscus and bruised bones in my knee. So I've got nothing but time on my hands.

Hows things been, bikeguide?

Bruh, I just logged back on too for the longest time. It's way different than it once was.

Prodigal Son:
Long times are always the longest.

There's less salt but everyone still holds BG forever true.

Buzz Killington:
Zoidberg and Therussianbabe I deffinately remember having some insane threads back years ago. I'm off the bike for 9 months :(, came down on my leg so hard and just twisted it to kingdom come. Surgery in 2 weeks, so sitting here doing nothing has been pretty maddening as I cant work due to me being a plumber.


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