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How do people make money to live off while traveling?

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Narcoleptic Insomniac:
I've been reading various stuff about people who quit their jobs or whatever and just travel and I'm curious. They don't usually mention how they get by. Obviously many just live off their saving and return home when the money runs out but others seem to travel for years  and years and we all know that international travel isn't exactly cheap.

Prodigal Son:
How long will it take you to max out all your credit cards.

shady handjobs in gas station carparks

Save up money and then quit your job and travel
Or you could hobo
Do you believe in magic?
Hobo magic?

You mentioned people who keep traveling..
Live very frugally, so many resources if your resourceful. Take high paying short term gigs. Get them through networking. Pick up a couple marketable skills, arts and crafts even. Save your money for expensive things like international flights

I know a guy who has been trotting around Europe for about 3 or 4 years now. He's always working at a bar somewhere, or hostel or ski resort. Basically just picks up jobs at places that have high staff turnover and no respect for fair wages. Et voila!


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