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How do people make money to live off while traveling?

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I know one person that does this. Her method is not one I would recommend.

She lives at home rent-free with her parents, who also buy her food, utilities, etc. I think she just has a phone bill, but honestly she might not even pay that. For 6 to 8 months of the year, she works at Texas Road House as a waitress. She puts some amount of what she makes into a travel fund. As a somewhat cute girl, she makes a lot of tips. For the rest of the year, she travels the world with some other girl that does the same type of shit.

It is super annoying seeing her go to all these awesome places and have the time of her life, know she only works ~30 hrs a week 8 months a year, whereas the wife and I work our asses off and can barely afford to drive home to visit family for two weeks once a year.

Just as some background on this chick, she has an associates and a bachelors degree in math or something. Her older brother committed suicide about 10 yrs ago so her parents definitely give into her every whim. In high school she was super Catholic so refused to have vaginal sex, but let her boyfriend put it in her butt, which I guess makes total sense from a religious standpoint?

Sure, but once she gets a bit older, the tips will stop coming in quite as readily, and she is still living at home with her parents.

I'm glad I read that


--- Quote from: U-238 on August 29, 2015, 08:39:41 AM --- In high school she was super Catholic so refused to have vaginal sex, but let her boyfriend put it in her butt, which I guess makes total sense from a religious standpoint?

--- End quote ---

I just heard this referred to today as the "poophole loophole." It is apparently way more common then I would have guessed.


--- Quote from: Kinchy on August 29, 2015, 11:03:21 AM ---Sure, but once she gets a bit older, the tips will stop coming in quite as readily, and she is still living at home with her parents.

--- End quote ---

She will at least have a nice and unused vagina


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