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How do people make money to live off while traveling?

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Being frugal is a big one, travelling is different to being a tourist.

the hitch hikers rule of the road.

I've done a bit research on this and it seems like most are some type of computer based job that don't require them to be in the office. Selling products, writing articles, IT type stuff. People refer it to vacation life, where your life is a permanent vacation but you don't really earn the money to be blowing it all off. It's the dream yo.

I've been kinda doing this for the past year. Basically do odd jobs here and there to get some cash and drain the savings account.

It's been a really fun year.

I've done this in the past, and planning on doing it a lot more in the future. My last trip I spent unicycling across Thailand.
I think one of the bigger factors for me is having a nest-egg to rely on when shit hits the fan and there is no work.
Having a decent sum saved up in the bank and investing it all as a fall-back when you are stuck in a forest in the middle of nowhere or in a hospital with an infection in some random 3rd world country that has no antibiotics will help.

I only have experience traveling in SE Asia (Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia), but there are jobs for foreigners everywhere. Teaching a sport / bringing tourists on adventures (rock-climbing, mountain biking, hiking, photography trips), working in hostels as a front desk help, helping local businesses with their websites, working on a farm (check out HelpX and WOOFing), or tutoring English / math in a local school...

Most of these gigs won't save you money on the road, but they may allow you to travel for free and break even. Couch surfing is definitely a big one to save money. There is also the route of bringing a laptop and working odd freelance jobs like writing travel articles, photography gigs, Amazon Turk...They won't pay much, but you really only need $5-10 / day traveling in some SE Asian countries. 


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