The Street > The Lounge

This is the video part of the year

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That drew B video made me sick watching it. So crazy


--- Quote from: Narcoleptic Insomniac on August 25, 2015, 06:25:13 PM ---Not a video part but still worth a watch. Shad Johnson talking about bmx

Watch the Pool's Gold series while you're there also.

--- End quote ---
Videos like those get me so pumped on bikes. I hadn't watched that Shad Johnson one, thanks for that.

Both great sections. Gerber is an animal, hammers over style deffos though. Mastroni is like a more accessible Tate Roskelly, an eye for interesting setups and unco lines (funny that theres some richie jackson clips in there).

fvck that............Drew B brought it kids

Shad Johnson is still around?


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