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Finn the Human:
I want to bring my bike back from France. Anyone know if it's worth lying and putting it down as sports equipment (half the price of a bike?

Ryanair can be tight just fly monarch they dont even check if it's a bike

its sports equipment and some bikeparts. just throw some of your shoes and Tshirts into the package too so it's not just a bike

Ryanair were pricks to my mates a couple of years ago and wouldn't even buy the 'going to a trade show' trick.

Definitely worth flying with Monarch if you can, haven't had an issue in four years. We put two bikes in one bag once by leaving the wheels out whilst we checked in and putting them back in on the way to over sized baggage. The oversized baggage staff don't give a shit.

Think I payed €50 to take mine back from Malta. Was way overweight though. Dudes never even weighed it


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