The Street > The Lounge

my frame is famous


Really cool insight to his process and I can still say that these frames are awesome. Highly recommended. I kinda want to raw my frame now after seeing it raw haha.

Very enjoyable video. Black Flag bridge is definitely awesome.

Browsed his site and it definitely seems like he knows what he's talking about and not throwing out some gimmicky terms that people sometimes like to do. Plus $450 doesn't seem to steep when it's custom and you get to have your own seat stay bridge design.


--- Quote from: condrbkr on October 07, 2015, 01:53:18 AM ---Very enjoyable video. Black Flag bridge is definitely awesome.

Browsed his site and it definitely seems like he knows what he's talking about and not throwing out some gimmicky terms that people sometimes like to do. Plus $450 doesn't seem to steep when it's custom and you get to have your own seat stay bridge design.

--- End quote ---
Exactly, people call him cocky or full of himself but I'd rather have someone confident welding my frame. I went that route because even powedercoated which holds up awesome and shipping it was $520 to my front door. This is actually my second frame by him as my forst one was a little too long

i dunno i follow him on insta but he seems a bit lame when hes ripping on shit frame repair jobs (sometimes you gotta do what you can to keep riding) plus he only does plate bridges and wont do tube ones at all-thats a standard option for like every other manufacturer. at least he seems to have stopped welding on removable gyro tabs to his frames, that looked super sketch and shitty.

on the whole his frames look nice and a good price but personally theres other places id probably go first if i was in the market for a custom frame. glad yours turned out sweet and youre happy with it though, and power to laird for managing to make it as a frame builder in the current bmx market climate when the majority of kids will buy whatever generic taiwanese stuff is marketed most effectively to them via social media

^this he wont even let people get chain stay grind pates


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