The Street > The Lounge

Woodworking as a job

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all depends what you do, Like billy said he is in a Cabinet shop, then there are carpenters which yes build homes, then there are finish carpenters that do trim work and stair cases. I woodwork as a hobby, billy and Alex have seen some of my work. It stays a hobby but I have managed to pull a few clients that I get work from, from time to time. All depends what you want to do

Like people have mentioned... you're not going to find a union "wood working" job. You'll have to be a trimmer/framer/carpenter. I worked for the government as mostly a trim carpenter but had to frame, do concrete work and other random shit a carpenter shouldn't have to do for a while before I realized I hated it.

I love shit like that in my free time and on my own time, but day to day, working out in the blistering cold/hot... No thanks. SO I quit doing that, even though I went to school for it. But it is nice having the knowledge because I can do my own projects at home or do smaller jobs for randos and make some cash. Live and learn.

I took a few classes for it in high school. Really enjoyed cabinet making, not so much the construction side of things, but it did give me a solid skill set to be able to do projects I want/need to do.

A friend of mine got hired on by a cabinet making company, think he started around 13 an hour straight out of high school, he's still there 6 years later and only making 16 an hour. I guess it's like having a job in a bike shop, shitty pay, but if you genuinely enjoy it then it's not a bad go.

Well it's quite annoying because I know those ideal jobs are out there. And working as a cabinet maker making minimum wage doesn't sound appealing. Union carpentry sites seem hard as fuck and very intimidating. I feel like you're pretty much working in a coal mine/oil rig or something and it's not what I want to do at all!

2.5 years later I'm making double minimum wage and going to be at 20 by the years end the way things are going. It's what you make of it. In my case it's cool for now but i am going to need to find something else/more here shortly.


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