The Street > The Lounge

What do you do?

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--- Quote from: Alex. on October 17, 2015, 11:50:02 AM ---
--- Quote from: Cole on October 17, 2015, 07:55:59 AM ---I'd probably just toss it

--- End quote ---

That's exactly what I did but a couple friends told me I was stupid for throwing away money like that. I mean, they do have a point but I just figured it wasn't worth the 20 minute round trip for yogurt.

--- End quote ---

That's what I'm saying. For a $5 tub of yogurt, is it really worth your time to go back to the grocery store and deal with a teenager who doesn't give a shit about it?

Narcoleptic Insomniac:
I'd just cut my loses and throw it away. Sometimes things just don't work out.

So with that being said, would you call the person that decided to go to the store and try to get a refund a tight ass?

Yesterday I argued over the 10c overcharge on a shot of espresso for 5 minutes. I'd be straight on the phone giving the store the hard word and demand compensation for a) a faulty product and b) wasting my time. Almost always it works in your favour and you walk away with more than what you originally went to buy.

Also, in response to the specific yoghurt question (fuck the yank spelling); yoghurt is disgusting so I don't see how a bit of mould would make it any worse.

Oh hey, it's that guy.  The, "give me something for free so I'll shut up" guy.  Ten cents?  Seriously dude.

I don't know if I'd call them a tight-ass, Alex, maybe just an ass.


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