The Street > The Lounge

So, lets talk about Garage Ramps!

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Make a super tight spine mini

Thanks for all the useful replies, guys.

I'm getting closer to having the chicken coop done, and once it's complete it's all about building ramps time.

I like the idea of doing an elliptical transition, but feel like I'm going to have to get it just right. 

Here's a shitty MS Paint sketchup of what I'm thinking about currently:

Crappy sketch, I know, but hopefully you get the idea.

I'm a fan of straight transitions. In a tight garage, 4' tall ramps with a 5' radius feel good to me. I've ridden 4' radius transitions and they feel too tight on a 20", and on your bigger bikes they may feel even tighter.

How high are your ceilings? That's a big factor...

Not very high...

I'll try to remember to measure them when I get home.

I stuck my Wave-C up in a double peg on the work bench on the back left side, and My head was barely between the rafters when I stood up in a comfortable position.  I could probably ride it that way, but it would be a little close for my liking.  The bench is 3ft tall, so I'm thinking about going with a 2.5 tall quarter on the garage door side.  Obviously, I'm looking at doing a vert wall on the other side. 

Sometime soon, I think I'm going to draw out some transitions on cardboard and just put them in place to see how it looks.  I keep reminding myself I have to stay aware of the amount of flat-bottom between the two if I want it to ride comfortably. 


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