
Author Topic: Remember how a few arm-chair engineers called this out? Well who'd a thunk it..  (Read 63211 times)

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Offline Locomotivebrand

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I think I know a guy who works as a product developer for them. Not sure how long he has been at it or if he is the only one they have.

Update; yes it seems like it was him. Taken from his fb:

Left Job at wethepeople bmx
30 September — Product Designer
Cologne, Germany

I'm about 101% sure that guy had nothing to do with this crank and 101% sure he was not fired.

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Someone got sacked.

Did someone really get fired over this?  The job posting makes it look more like they need a CAD guy, not an engineer.  This seems like it would be more of a failure on the engineers side vs. the CAD guys side.

In smaller companies, that is usually the same guy.

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Offline nwcstn

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Hahaha because no one ever broke any thing gsport or odyssey. Bike parts break. Get off yer high horse Georgie. I don't think I could name one of my friends that had wombolts or twombolts that didn't  break them.

Offline RighteousBMX

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Hahaha because no one ever broke any thing gsport or odyssey. Bike parts break. Get off yer high horse Georgie. I don't think I could name one of my friends that had wombolts or twombolts that didn't  break them.

You're missing the point completely but enjoy being a bitter jerkoff. When you figure out whether or not you can name one of your friends that didn't break Odyssey cranks then come on back and I'll Snapchat a pic of my cock to you.

Offline Prodigal Son

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I'll tell you several of my friends who broke them in the meantime.

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my second hand wombolts never broke, but my eclats did

know loads of other people who broke em though ahaha
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Offline nwcstn

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Hahaha because no one ever broke any thing gsport or odyssey. Bike parts break. Get off yer high horse Georgie. I don't think I could name one of my friends that had wombolts or twombolts that didn't  break them.

You're missing the point completely but enjoy being a bitter jerkoff. When you figure out whether or not you can name one of your friends that didn't break Odyssey cranks then come on back and I'll Snapchat a pic of my cock to you.

What point am I missing? The fact that it took George 3 generations of cranks to finally make a set that didn't snap left and right? So what if the wemakethings guys designed one pair of shitty cranks? You think it's the first time a company has fucked something up trying to be innovating? For someone who has designed cranks that have had plenty of there own issues to point this out is funny.

Offline ediotism

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Hahaha because no one ever broke any thing gsport or odyssey. Bike parts break. Get off yer high horse Georgie. I don't think I could name one of my friends that had wombolts or twombolts that didn't  break them.

You're missing the point completely but enjoy being a bitter jerkoff. When you figure out whether or not you can name one of your friends that didn't break Odyssey cranks then come on back and I'll Snapchat a pic of my cock to you.

What point am I missing? The fact that it took George 3 generations of cranks to finally make a set that didn't snap left and right? So what if the wemakethings guys designed one pair of shitty cranks? You think it's the first time a company has fucked something up trying to be innovating? For someone who has designed cranks that have had plenty of there own issues to point this out is funny.

its extremely hard to gauge how good a pair of cranks are based on people's reports on the internet

1. say you sold 10,000 pairs of cranks "A", 50 pairs are faulty. you may see 40 of those with faulty cranks "A" talk about them on the internet, and come to the conclusion that these cranks "A" aren't that good.
2. now you're comparing these cranks "A" to another product by another company, cranks "B". you only see 20 bad reviews about them, so they can't be as bad as cranks "A" right?

what we don't know is the total number of cranks "B" (or cranks "A") sold. Cranks "B" could have just sold 800 pairs, giving it a faulty product ratio of 20/800 = 2.5%, whilst cranks "A" actually had a ratio of 50/10,000 = 0.5%. These numbers are of course made up, but it demonstrates the issue with silent evidence. you only hear about bad reviews most of the time, but very little people take into consideration how many faulty products there are compared to how many were sold.

secondly, people very seldom rave mad about how good a product like cranks are. it's like I.T. and electricity - you don't even think about it when it works perfectly without flaws, you just use it. nobody (well, not many) goes on the internet to tell eveyone that a product WORKS JUST AS IT IS EXPECTED!!!!1111!!ELEVENONEONE!

thirdly, we often dont' put enough emphasis on warranty service when we choose a new product - but if you look at the track record (not just the advertised) of customer services/warranty, some companies are well loved because they often go beyond what's stipulated in their terms and conditions about warrantying stuff.

now i'm not trying to argue with you at all - blindly arguing in favour of odyssey with my points above would just make me an ody fanboy, since i don't have their sales figures vs other companies either; so who knows what kind of faulty product ratio each company has? all i'm trying to point out is that we're quite likely to think we're more "in the know" about how well a product performs than we actually are.

what i do know, however, is that ody's been one of the companies that REALLY take care of their warranty and replace their products. If i was to buy new products with some non conventional design that haven't proven themselves in the bmx mass market, i'm more inclined towards buying their stuff, if i know that they'll take care of me should the product turns out crappy.

if WTP have similar attitudes / track record towards warranty etc, i'd also be happy to buy from them.

Offline nwcstn

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Yeah I get that. That's why one of the first things I said was "bike parts break"  I haven't compared odyssey cranks to cranks that are designed by the wemakethings guys, or anyone else for that matter anyways. I've just pointed out that odyssey cranks in the past have had a bad reputation in general, not compared to other companies. And quite frankly I couldnt care less about how good a warranty is. I'd rather not break my ankle when my cranks snap in the first place, so I will continue to invest in a new pair of cranks every year or so and avoid any gimmicky cranks.

Offline Narcoleptic Insomniac

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You'd think the issues with the eclat cranks would have become apparent during prototype testing by their team riders.

Offline Bunky

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secondly, people very seldom rave mad about how good a product like cranks are. it's like I.T. and electricity

Aint that the damn truth.  I work for an event IT company, and when everything is working fine, nobody thanks us, but when the internet goes down somewhere people freak the hell out.

I feel like Odyssey get's the same wrap.  Anytime anyone breaks an Odyssey product it's like they go right to the internet to complain about it instead of hitting up warranty.  You end up with like 10 people breaking Odyssey cranks that all go online and complain and it makes other people think that they're shit, when there's probably an absolute shit ton of people like myself that have had no problems with Odyssey cranks.  I've smashed the shit out of 1 pair of wombolts that I have and they're still kicking way better than my old rickety Primo Hollowbites. 

I really wish that George could post Odysseys warranty/return rate on the wombolts/twombolts/thunderbolts line of cranks.  I bet that it's pretty damn low. 
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Offline nwcstn

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Bike parts break.

That's why one of the first things I said was "bike parts break"

Hey guys, bike parts break. That includes the ones you design G.

Offline alaskun

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remember the 'oversized' 7/8 or 22mm profile SS styled wtp cranks from around 2000-2004, which broke so frequently that even magazine reviewers acknowledged it...

my first time being scammed by a bmxer was for a set of those cranks. 

the 'design' was fine - 48 spline/beefy tubular arms - but they made them wrong/not strong enough. 
wombolts were also 'made wrong' until things got sorted out. Things actually got sorted out, over a relatively short period.

now wtp/eclat cranks went back to a decades-old spline system and not only didn't fix it, but made it worse by splitting the spindle...
odyssey at least kept fixing/upgrading theirs until they had something that works. They weren't just trying to sell a worsened old system, they were developing a new [arguably] improved one...
« Last Edit: February 02, 2016, 02:49:10 PM by alaskun »

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