The Street > The Lounge


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Am I being silly by being more concerned about the disastrous cuts to public services than the 'terror threat'?

What cuts would that be? I live in Sweden and work in Denmark. Only differnce Ive noticed is border checks. I expect changes to come though due to the extreme amounts of asylum seekers coming to Sweden.

My boss tried to enter France with some clients to visit a site showcasing a product we wanna sell, but as the borders were closed.

In the UK -  police, social services, youth services, schools, benefits of all kinds, mental health services, disability services, ambulance, fire service etc etc etc all having budgets cut. Yet we found billions to spend on aimlessly bombing the middle east.


--- Quote from: condrbkr on November 24, 2015, 03:51:37 PM ---
America is the best chance in equality the world has right now. You can talk all these erosions of freedom and what nots but we're still living a better life than most regardless. It's not perfect but fuck man we have a black president and that says a lot whether you agree or not.

--- End quote ---

haha lol

Lol indeed. Just because you live comfortably and free in the US doesnt mean that the foreign policy makes other countries similar


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