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This thread is spreading in so many directions.

I speak more of a British english than american english. Also, democracy is not an american invention, and I dont prefer american politics.

Even though I am from "the west" I dont agree on how stuff are done. I do not directly notice an effect from the last wars waged apart from all the refugees coming to my city (transit city, thousands a day). I mostly fear a looming economic catastrophy and possibly a new world order due to countries going into extreme debt. The US in particular has insane debts and has defaulted twice in a short time. Waging costly wars which were doubtfully necessary in the first place might result in something much worse. If there is a economic crash, or if for example China (who lends the US huge amount of money) start putting preassure there could be a different world quite suddenly. A bit conspiracy sounding perhaps, but I can see how the US world dominance could fall rather quickly soon.


--- Quote from: condrbkr on November 26, 2015, 01:22:01 PM ---
--- Quote from: JFax on November 26, 2015, 11:03:53 AM ---Lol indeed. Just because you live comfortably and free in the US doesnt mean that the foreign policy makes other countries similar

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You continue to speak English when your a foreigner cause of America. You consume American culture and thought everyday. The foreign policy we as the West enforce is a joke but a necessary evil needed to maintain our lifestyle here in the West. There ain't no perfect but I believe in the American way of life simply cause even the lowest class citizen here has a minuscule chance to change how everything is done worldwide. Sure there is a lot of fall out and mistakes that happen but any society is guilty of that besides when it happens in the US our influence is so great that it happens worldwide but still for any real change to happen in our society it has to happen in America first. This is all coming from an immigrant btw.

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How's that going to happen when your poorest citizens are being shot by white neighbourhood watch and police officers? What about all the race riots that have happened recently? What about the hilariously low education levels you have? Or the amount of people living in poverty? Not sure how your lowest class citizen is changing shit.


--- Quote from: Kinchy on November 26, 2015, 10:16:56 AM ---Am I being silly by being more concerned about the disastrous cuts to public services than the 'terror threat'?

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this. the whole terror thing is a sideshow. bread and circuses, and I guess a bit of terror so we can curtail privacy.

Inequality continues to increase, but i think enough people are starting to wake up to the daylight robbery that's going on and the rise of Corbyn, and Sanders in America (although they're starting with a major handicap) is a very encouraging sight.

and btw, even though Denmark and Sweden are a bastion of civilisation Sweden especially has been on an alarming path for at least the past 10 years. I'm not confident the current generation will have the wisdom to reverse the rise of neoliberal ideas simply because many of them seem to lack the context to really understand how good social democracy has been to them.
but that's a side-note, because I'd probably still rather settle in Scandinavia, rubbish weather and all, than anywhere else.


--- Quote from: JFax on November 26, 2015, 02:30:38 PM ---I mostly fear a looming economic catastrophy and possibly a new world order due to countries going into extreme debt. The US in particular has insane debts and has defaulted twice in a short time. Waging costly wars which were doubtfully necessary in the first place might result in something much worse. If there is a economic crash, or if for example China (who lends the US huge amount of money) start putting pressure there could be a different world quite suddenly.

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I think the whole debt thing is largely a misnomer. Yes the US owes (what seems to us) to be a huge amount of debt. But the debt to GDP isnt actually that bad (half that of Japan I believe). 60% of the US' debts are in fact owned by the US. Divided up among various parts of the government, corporate investments into bonds, and private citizens investments into bonds. China only owns about 8% of total debt.

Lastly, the US is also owed a huge amount of money by many countries (Including China), so even though their debt is around 17t now, they are also owed a large amount of that.

Lastly the US will never realistically default on their debts:


--- Quote from: manwe on November 26, 2015, 02:36:33 PM ---...and btw, even though Denmark and Sweden are a bastion of civilisation...

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Not my intention to make any claim that scandinavia is above anyone else, not at all. The current political climate is much different than 10 years ago yes, I doubt Scandinavia will continue on the previous past and will soon be very different.


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