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^ The former DIA chief who did the interview about that memo said this in an interview yesterday

--- Quote ---SPIEGEL ONLINE: In recent weeks, Islamic State not only conducted the attacks in Paris, but also in Lebanon and against a Russian airplane over the Sinai Peninsula. What has caused the organization to shift its tactics and to now operate internationally?

Flynn: There were all kinds of strategic and tactical warnings and lots of reporting. And even the guys in the Islamic State said that they were going to attack overseas. I just don't think people took them seriously. When I first heard about the recent attacks in Paris, I was like, "Oh, my God, these guys are at it again, and we're not paying attention."
--- End quote ---

Now look at what lindsey graham said (starting about 12 seconds in) about turkey ignoring nato rules of engagement/international law by shooting down the russian jet...

"Turkey punched Russia in the nose, good for Turkey.  Russia's very provocative, they're killing the people we've trained to take Assad down."

Do you think graham, mccain, etc just "aren't paying attention" to the consequences of arming terror groups to topple governments? They've created isis, and are now openly cheering on/pushing for war against russia.  they need to be arrested/interrogated.

--- Quote from: condrbkr on November 24, 2015, 09:12:49 PM ---Today I went to work, had some really good Ethiopian food, bought a tube so I can ride this week sometime. Went home and read somebody's retarded viewpoints that could get him killed in a totalitarian regime. Good thing we don't live in a totalitarian regime.

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what about starting wars with russia in defense of one?

--- Quote ---Turkish Authorities Jail Two Journalists, Accusing Them of Espionage over report suggesting Turkish intelligence ferried weapons to extremist Syrian rebels
Turkish newspaper editor in court for 'espionage' after revealing weapon convoy to Syrian militants
26 Nov, 2015

US Embassy Turkey Verified account ?@USEmbassyTurkey
1:56 AM - 27 Nov 2015
(1/2) We are very concerned by the arrests of @candundaradasi & @erdemmgul and what appears to be yet another media outlet under pressure.
(2/2) We hope the Turkish courts & authorities will uphold the fundamental principle of media freedom enshrined in the Turkish Constitution.

--- Quote ---REMINDER = Serena Shim

US Government Still Silent on American Journalist Murdered for Exposing Turkey’s ISIS Ties

On October 17, 2014, Shim told Press TV that the Turkish National Intelligence Organization (MIT) had accused her of "spying".[5] She stated that it is "probably due to some of the stories she had covered about Turkey's stance on the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant militants in Kobanę".[6] She had reported that ISIL militants being smuggled over the Turkish border into Syria on trucks bearing the symbols of NGOs like the "World Food Organisation". Shim, said on air she's "a bit frightened" by what MIT "might use against me."

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--- Quote ---Jacky Sutton, the former BBC journalist found dead in Istanbul Turkey airport: who was she and what really happened?

Those who knew Sutton are struggling to understand the death of a woman who they say was “unflappable, committed to creating a free press in the Middle East, talented and not at all rash”
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TL;DR Turkey kills reporters

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the group said to be persecuting/killing them?

Turkish intelligence chief: ISIS is a reality and we must stop Putin from crushing the Islamic revolution

--- Quote ---    18 October 2015

Ankara--- Hakan Fidan, the head of Turkey's National Intelligence Organization, known by the MIT acronym, has drawn a lot of attention and criticism for his controversial comments about ISIS.

Mr. Hakan Fidan, Turkish President's staunchest ally, condemned Russian military intervention in Syria, accusing Moscow of trying to 'smother' Syria's Islamist revolution and serious breach of United Nations law.

“ISIS is a reality and we have to accept that we cannot eradicate a well-organized and popular establishment such as the Islamic State; therefore I urge my western colleagues to revise their mindset about Islamic political currents, put aside their cynical mentalité and thwart Vladimir Putin's plans to crush Syrian Islamist revolutionaries,” Anadolu News Agency quoted Mr. Fidan as saying on Sunday...
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this just happened the other day too

Pro-Kurd Turkish head of bar association shot dead on live TV

--- Quote ---28 nov 2015

A day after Turkey arrested two journalists for their report exposing Erdogan's weapons deliveries to "extremist groups" in Syria, confirming that no dissent to the president's foreign policy would be allowed, today a new riot has erupted in Istanbul following the dramatic murder in broad daylight of Tahir Elci, the president of the Turkish bar association in southeastern Diyarbakir province, who was shot dead by unidentified gunmen while giving a public speech...
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public's response with firework/molotov/laserpointer warfare...

stuff is going to get crazy, and the EU/NATO are siding with the side who sides with isis?

--- Quote ---

Conflict News ‏@Conflicts 11/30/2015
- BREAKING: NATO allies give #Turkey their "full support" in its right to defend airspace
- NATO's Stoltenberg: All allies fully support #Turkey's right to defend its airspace
--- End quote ---

seriously, turkey broke a bunch of laws/rules of engagement to shoot down a russian jet to protect isis oil infrastructure, and has been supporting terrorists and totalitarian craziness for years.  I'm sorry if these posts annoys you guys, but I feel like people should be talking about the inevitability of more terrorist attacks/war, or paying attention to the people who are responsible/calling for it...

^ "more than 100,000 fake Turkish passports had been given to ISIS :US Army’s Foreign Studies Military Office (FSMO)"

NATO is harbouring the Islamic State - Why France’s brave new war on ISIS is a sick joke, and an insult to the victims of the Paris attacks

and germany and the uk just said they won't be coordinating/sharing flight info with russia.

this story's making the rounds as of about an hour ago

Turkey YouTube ban violated freedom of expression: Europe court

--- Quote ---december 1 2015

Strasbourg (France) (AFP) - The European Court of Human Rights ruled on Tuesday that Turkey had violated conventions on freedom of expression when it banned YouTube for more than two years.

An Ankara court had barred access to the video-sharing site from May 2008 to October 2010 over 10 videos deemed insulting to modern Turkey's founding father Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the Strasbourg-based rights tribunal said.


The lengthy ban on YouTube -- and thousands of other websites -- had prompted widespread concern about freedom of expression under then prime minister and now President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who critics say has become increasingly authoritarian.


The government of Erdogan's Justice and Development Party (AKP) also blocked Twitter and YouTube in March 2014 after they were used to spread a torrent of audio recordings implicating Erdogan and his inner circle in a corruption probe.
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Turkey shuts off YouTube after 'Syria invasion plan' leak

--- Quote ---Access to YouTube has been cut off in Turkey after an explosive leak of audiotapes that appeared to show ministers talking about provoking military intervention in Syria. Other social media have already been blocked ahead of tumultuous local elections.

The latest leaked audio recording, which reportedly led to the ban, appears to show top government officials discussing a potential attack on the tomb of Suleyman Shah, the grandfather of the founder of the Ottoman Empire.

The tomb is in Syrian territory, but protected by Turkish soldiers.

On the tape, Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu is heard saying that Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan sees any attack as an "opportunity" to increase Turkish presence in Syria, where it has staunchly supported the anti-Assad rebels. Security chief Hakan Fidan then goes one step further, and suggests staging a fake attack to give Turkey a casus belli to intervene in the conflict...
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Abby Martin talks about a leaked conversation between Turkish officials discussing a planned false flag operation to justify starting a war with Syria - Mar 28, 2014

Turkey's False Flag Plan: What you're not being told

--- Quote ---Published on Apr 2, 2014


Late last week, a conversation between high-ranking Turkish officials was leaked online purporting to expose a plan that had been devised to use a staged attack on a Turkish target in Aleppo as a pretext to start a war with Syria.
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any military guys still reading this... how do you feel about the idea of being sent to defend this asshole?

Back to text walls and dubious source links?


--- Quote ---11/30/2015 Erdogan: I will resign if any oil purchase from Daesh (#ISIS) is proven

Russian Market Retweeted;
Erdogan asks if Putin is ready to resign if his accusations against Turkey are not confirmed - TASS reports
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today - Russian military reveals details of ISIS-Turkey oil smuggling

--- Quote ----The photos and footage used in the media briefing have been published on the Defense Ministry’s website.

-Russia doesn’t expect Turkish President Erdogan to resign in the face of the new evidence, even though he had promised to do so. His resignation is not Russia’s goal and is a matter for the Turkish people.

-Russia cannot comprehend that such a large-scale business as oil smuggling could not have been noticed by the Turkish authorities. Russia concludes that the Turkish leadership is directly involved in the smuggling.

-The US-led coalition has failed to intensify strikes on oil tankers and other IS oil infrastructure. Russia will send intelligence on potential targets to coalition members, assuming that a lack of intelligence may be the reason for their hesitance.
Russia, for its part, will continue attacking the oil business of the terrorists and expects the US-led coalition to do the same...
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so yesterday a couple of muslims killed 14 people with assault rifles and attempted IEDs in california. I say "couple of muslims," not because I hate muslims, but because before their identities were known, just like with the boston bombing, most media was speculating loudly that it was white domestic terrorists.
This morning obama's on tv saying "it could be workplace violence."

meanwhile racism is terrorism. flying the confederate flag in an area where people might get offended is terrorism.
being mean/a bully is terrorism.
environmental activism/investigative journalism is terrorism.
peaceful protest is terrorism.
filming police/tsa in public is terrorism.
hacking is terrorism.
file sharing is terrorism.
toy guns or gun imagery is terrorism.
flea markets selling bootleg dvds/clothes is terrorism.
gardening is terrorism. selling milk is terrorism.

everything under the sun is being labeled as terrorism. ridiculous cases all across the country for the past decade... yet there's "a chance" that what happened yesterday in san bernadino isn't?  Why not?

reminds me of this from 2011


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