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Just curious, you have any back up on those things you listed being labeled terrorism?


--- Quote from: Donald on December 03, 2015, 03:28:35 PM ---Just curious, you have any back up on those things you listed being labeled terrorism?

--- End quote ---

yes. do you want a big list or were there specific ones you questioned?

from today, in regards to obama making fun of people like me for being afraid of 'widows and orphans'

#IslamicState video shows training camp for 'Caliphate Cubs' mostly of foreign fighters. #Syria #Iraq #IS

#IslamicState video shows training camp for 'caliphate Cubs'. Instructor teaches students how to operate an AK #IS

#IslamicState training camp for 'Caliphate Cubs; Footage shows martial arts classes. #Syria #Iraq #IS

#IslamicState 'Cubs' display discipline during training which finishes off with western game of soccer/football

In super disturbing #ISIS video, "caliphate Cubs" execute alleged spies by shooting @ point blank range, 1 beheaded


--- Quote from: alaskun on December 03, 2015, 03:08:31 PM ---so yesterday a couple of muslims killed 14 people with assault rifles and attempted IEDs in california. I say "couple of muslims," not because I hate muslims, but because before their identities were known, just like with the boston bombing, most media was speculating loudly that it was white domestic terrorists.
This morning obama's on tv saying "it could be workplace violence."

meanwhile racism is terrorism. flying the confederate flag in an area where people might get offended is terrorism.
being mean/a bully is terrorism.
environmental activism/investigative journalism is terrorism.
peaceful protest is terrorism.
filming police/tsa in public is terrorism.
hacking is terrorism.
file sharing is terrorism.
toy guns or gun imagery is terrorism.
flea markets selling bootleg dvds/clothes is terrorism.
gardening is terrorism. selling milk is terrorism.

everything under the sun is being labeled as terrorism. ridiculous cases all across the country for the past decade... yet there's "a chance" that what happened yesterday in san bernadino isn't?  Why not?

reminds me of this from 2011

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fuck all this nonsense, but the guns were legally bought.
also, how do you type with all that foil?

My wifes culinary school she goes to is on that same street, less than a mile away. She was halfway home when it happened.  Crazy shit


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