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this isn't even scratching the surface.  tldr; fucking arrest them

West 'ignored Russian offer in 2012 to have Syria's Assad step aside'
15 September 2015
Exclusive: Senior negotiator describes rejection of alleged proposal, since when tens of thousands have been killed and millions displaced

Cause of Syria's Incredible Bloodshed Is Finally Confirmed: In 2012, Russia was willing to negotiate Assad’s stepping down. Washington ignored that, expecting to impose (not negotiate with Russia) a government of Washington’s (Obama’s) choosing.

A WikiLeaks document shows US had plans to destabilize Syria since 2006

According to documents leaked by WikiLeaks, a secret treaty among Qatar, Turkey and Saudi Arabia shows they intended to overthrow the Syrian government. Western powers like France, Britain and the United States were also involved.

Ron Paul: How Many Refugees Were Leaving Syria Before U.S. Regime Change?

WikiLeaks Reveals How the US Aggressively Pursued Regime Change in Syria, Igniting a Bloodbath
Friday, 09 October 2015

US may have provoked EU refugee crisis on purpose: Russian State Duma Speaker Naryshkin
September 16

--- Quote ---"It is clear for everyone that the United States is the ideologist behind the aforementioned interventions," Naryshkin told journalists. "I am not a supporter of conspiracy theories but the question arises by itself - is Europe the final aim of those destabilizing the situation in North Africa and Middle East over the last years with such maniacal persistence?"
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Hungarian PM Accuses Soros of Stoking Refugee Wave to Weaken Europe

European Refugee Crisis - The Anatomy of a Coverup

Notice the striking similarity between Turkish Prez Erdogan’s plan and the Brookings strategy. Washington and Ankara seem to share the same view of how Syria should be carved up following the prospective invasion.
November 6, 2015

The Brookings Institute Plan to Liquidate Syria

--- Quote ---Notice how O’ Hanlon never considers the moral implications of obliterating a sovereign nation, killing tens of thousands of civilians, and displacing millions of others.
August 06, 2015 "Information Clearing House" - "Counterpunch' - Here’s your US foreign policy puzzler for the day:  When is regime change not regime change?

When the regime stays in power but loses its ability to rule. This is the current objective of US policy in Syria, to undermine Syrian President Bashar al Assad’s ability to govern the country without physically removing him from office. The idea is simple: Deploy US-backed  “jihadi” proxies to capture-and-hold vast sections of the country thereby making it impossible for the central government to control the state. This is how the Obama administration plans to deal with Assad, by making him irrelevant.  The strategy is explained in great detail in a piece by Michael E. O’Hanlon at the Brookings Institute titled “Deconstructing Syria: A new strategy for America’s most hopeless war”.
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Rothschild Declares Open War on Syria Through Brookings, His Sledgehammer on the US Government: “Deconstructing Syria” (No Rothschild Central Bank).
june 29, 2015

"Brookings biggest contributor is the Qatari royal family. You do the math."

Ban Ki-Moon Condemns the American Stand on Syria, Endorses Putin's

--- Quote ---October 31, 2015

...The U.N. Secretary General is here implicitly blaming all of this — lots of blood and misery — on U.S. President Obama, and on the “many Western countries” who ally with him and have joined with him in demanding regime-change in Syria.

The position of Russia’s President Vladimir Putin has been, and is, to the exact contrary of Obama’s: namely, that only an election by the Syrian people can determine whom Syria’s President should be. The U.N. Secretary General is here agreeing with Putin, and rejecting Obama’s demand, that the matter be determined instead by non-Syrians, and by non-democratic means (which is basically like George W. Bush did in Iraq, and like Barack Obama did in Libya)...
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UK government abandons prosecution of man who went to Syria to fight Assad, because the trial was going to reveal that British Intelligence is doing exactly the same thing.
Terror trial collapses after fears of deep embarrassment to security services

"Obama Is Destroying Europe", "Dragging It Into A Crusade Against Russia" Says Former French PM

Ripped From Hillary’s Emails: French Plot to Overthrow Gaddafi and Help Itself to Libya’s Oil
French intelligence plotted to overthrow Muammar Gaddafi to horn in on Libya’s oil and to provide access for French businesses.

The young college student who killed 38 tourists in a Tunisian seaside resort was in a jihadi training camp in western Libya at the same time as the two attackers who hit the National Bardo Museum in March, a top security official said on Tuesday.

Libya: Order Out Of Chaos
10 August 2015

Libya, Syria And Now Ukraine - Color Revolution By Force
January 24, 2014
exactly same graphics are used to train the willing-to-fight demonstrators

Whenever relations between the US and a certain country deteriorate because the country is no longer keen to be the US strategic asset, human rights activists are produced to destabilize the country

Just before Libya was bombed by NATO for "human rights abuses", Libya was about to receive a UN award for examplary human rights

False Flag Alert on Refugee 'Crisis'?

--- Quote ---September 4, 2015

... says Russian academician and historian Jelena Guskova. Guskova’s research has led her to the conclusion that what is being prepared for immediate effect is the establishment of a “Green Transversal,” a Muslim state in Christian Europe. She cites the growth of Islamic radicalism in the Balkans via Serbia’s “Wahhabi” and “Red Rose” cells, Macedonia’s “Tarikat,” and Al Qaeda cells in Kosovo and northern Albania, which in co-operation with Bosnia-Herzgovina will create the “Green Transversal.”...
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Hillary Clinton sums up US strategy; Removing Assad, not #ISIS, is the top priority in #Syria

Emails show Qadaffi son offered talks – but Clinton ordered top general to 'not take the call'

As Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton bought into the neocon/liberal-hawk agenda which spread the chaos of Iraq across Libya, Syria and now into Europe. How Clinton approached those challenges suggests that she would head down the same “regime change” path as President, Rick Sterling explains.

Libya: Four Years Down the Road - NATO illegal War ruined Lybia!

Hillary Clinton Owns the War in Libya
And its horrible aftermath.

--- Quote ---October 23, 2015 of the most politically relevant topics examined by the House Benghazi Committee is her insistence that Libya was not a "disaster."

Over and over, in fact, Clinton argued that Libyans had elected "moderates" and that democracy had thrived and that all things were peachy (though she does concede there were security risks). And she was still praising the Arab Spring long after its collapse into violent radicalism across the Arab world.

At first I wondered, how could she maintain something so obviously contestable? Then I realized, how could she not?

Rep. Peter Roskam (R-Ill.) spent his entire time attempting to push Clinton to own the Libya intervention. Democrats joked on Twitter that Roskam had conclusively proved that yes, Clinton was secretary of state. But it was much more.

She reiterated that she was the chief architect of the war in Libya. Clinton has to claim that the U.N.-authorized Libyan air campaign in 2011 was a model of successful foreign intervention, because Clinton was the one who urged Barack Obama, over the strong misgivings of others, to intervene in that civil war. She brought the Arabs on board. She articulated many of the administration's arguments.

Later, after the whole thing fell apart, she would falsely blame some obscure video for the whole thing.

Since then, Libya has fragmented into two rival factions, which have erased any pretense that democracy or freedom exists in the country. There are mass collective punishments as tens of thousands of political prisoners are thrown into camps. Violence is up. Proliferation of weapons has increased. Causalities have spiked since the war. Ansar al-Sharia, the group accused of murdering American diplomats, is more powerful now than it was before the U.S. got involved.

One estimate says that militias have grown from an estimated 40,000 fighters in 2011 to 160,000 today. This is now the place where Coptic Christians are marched out onto beaches and beheaded. The war has created a refugee crisis...

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What ambassador in Benghazi was really doing: The U.S. special mission in Benghazi and the nearby CIA annex were utilized in part to coordinate arms shipments to the jihadist rebels fighting the Syrian regime, with Ambassador Christopher Stevens playing a central role.

Mrs. Clinton provided material assistance to terrorists and lied to Congress in a venue where the law required her to be truthful.

--- Quote ---...Many of the rebels Mrs. Clinton armed, using the weapons lawfully sold to Qatar by Mr. Turi and others, were terrorist groups who are our sworn enemies. There was no congressional declaration of war, no congressional vote, no congressional knowledge beyond fewer than a dozen members, and no federal statute that authorized this...

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UN Inspector (well known Carla del Ponte) Says Syrian Rebels Used Chemical Weapons, Not Assad (May 2013)

Hersh Vindicated? Turkish Whistleblowers Corroborate Story on False Flag Sarin Attack in Syria

Seymour Hersh, in an interview with Diken, claims that Turkish intelligence and military were behind the sarin gas attack in Syria

US and UN Responsible for Alleged ISIS Chemical Attack Against Kurds in Iraq
August 14, 2015
Mustard agent at al-Muthanna raided by ISIS sold to Saddam Hussein

False Flag Proof! NATO ally Turkey supplied chemical weapons to FSA terrorists, thereby producing Obama's "Red Line" for Syrian attack!
And, it seems they were trying again before they were caught!

The United States Institute of Peace's Hawkish Chairman Wants Ukraine to Send Russians Back in Body Bags
Aug. 1 2015
"The United States Institute of Peace is a publicly funded national institution chartered by the U.S. government to promote international peace through nonviolent conflict resolution..."

#Ukraine's Ministry of Defense official publicly offers help to #ISIS in 'identifying the #Russian pilots'
Top Ukraine official backs idea 'to help ISIS take revenge on Russian soldiers in Syria’

Analysts say Kiev authorities in fact team up with Islamic State

Post-Maidan Ukrainians Eager to Help ISIS Kill Russians

John McCain To Arm Rebels with STA Missiles To Shoot Down Russian Jets

--- Quote ---10/01/2015
McCain initially responded to Fox News host Neil Cavuto’s question about whether he would shoot down Russian planes by saying no, but then went on to assert that he would arm Syrian rebels to carry out that very same task.

“I might do what we did in Afghanistan many years ago, to give those guys the ability to shoot down those planes, that equipment is available,” said McCain, adding that the Free Syrian Army would shoot down the planes, “just like the Afghans shot down Russian planes after Russia invaded Afghanistan.”

McCain is referring to how the United States armed Islamic militants in the 1970s, a policy that led to the rise of the Taliban, Al Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood and Osama Bin Laden.

Senator McCain is opposed to Russia’s bombing of ISIS terrorists because he believes that Moscow is using this explanation as a cover to attack US-backed Syrian rebel forces who are trying to topple Bashar Al-Assad...
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British SAS Special Forces “Dressed Up as ISIS Rebels” Fighting Assad in Syria
Operation Shader – attacking Syrian targets on the pretext of combating ISIS.

US-Trained Special Forces Chief Joins ISIS, Vows To Bring Jihad To Russia & America

ISIS fighter was trained by State Department

U.S. training helped mold top Islamic State military commander
September 15, 2015

One of ISIS' top commanders was a 'star pupil' of US-special forces training in the country of Georgia

there's a lot more. how bout that nobel peace prize...

Fuck off.

Yeah seriously. Nobody will click your links.

context.  scroll past it...

alaskun, wasn't about 'feelings' was about your tinfoil hat conspiracy nonsense potentially clogging up a serious discussion thread. but you went there anyway, i see.


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