The Street > The Lounge


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--- Quote from: amishrob on November 15, 2015, 02:20:51 AM ---a serious discussion thread
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I guarantee you your "serious discussion thread" would've been nothing but bickering over islam, meaningless RIPs/OMGs, and let's-go-to-war hoo-rah emotional crap. Just like almost every other message board thread

why did this attack happen? what's the precedent? can we expect it to happen again? who are the people involved here? where did it come from?  are you going to talk about any of that? my experience over the past 10+ years on bikeguide says that you won't...

Unedited Videos of Paris Attacks by ISIS

this one's not on there yet.  there's no gore, and you don't see any of the shooters, but it's from inside the theater, looking at the band, as the first shots go off.  looks to be shot pretty close to the stage, makes it look like a much more intimate setting than I was thinking.  It's distressing. maybe don't watch it if you don't want to feel bad.

Attacks in Paris - The arrival of terrorists in Bataclan Theatre killing

Finn the Human:
If you're using tragedy to preach your fucking nonsense then fuck off.


--- Quote from: Finn the Human on November 15, 2015, 05:03:45 AM ---If you're using tragedy to preach your fucking nonsense then fuck off.

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my post was long, annoying, pretentious, whatever. but what 'nonsense' am I 'preaching?'

I'm pretty sure you're the one who can fuck off here.

--- Quote from: Finn the Human on November 15, 2015, 05:08:07 AM ---A 2.thetwintowerswereaconspiracy.

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I'm out. Wanted discussion but just got text walls and links to /r/conspiracy


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