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fuck off alaskum

stop posting about me. post about paris, isis, future attacks/repercussions, etc. I'm not trying to talk about myself here, I want to talk/read about the fucking war we've started

--- Quote from: LukeTom on November 15, 2015, 06:30:26 PM ---I thought Bikegiude was a safe haven from fucking idiots trying to push their own ideology onto people, but Alaskun is the worst one I have read...

And lastly Alasksun you seem about indoctrinated into your conspiracy bullshite as the people who committed this atrocity, not to mention the sources you cite are some of the most laughably ridiculous I have ever seen. Pull your head out your ass and join the real world

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the only idea or ideology I've shared is that I think it's a bad idea to fund/arm/train terrorists in order to overthrow governments.  what's "the worst" about that?

The Defense Intelligence Agency and the Brookings Institute are "laughably ridiculous sources?" People who've been involved with this and proven right time and time again for years are laughably ridiculous?  sure I linked to some forums, but who/what do they link to?

Join the real world?  Do you understand/acknowledge that we ARE overthrowing governments, creating/supporting terrorist groups, and forcing a refugee crisis?  Do you understand/acknowledge that that is what caused the events in paris, and a lot of other horrible shit the past few years?
i was posting about this stuff years ago saying it would lead to this kind of thing, and you fucking idiots in your 'real world' were saying the same crap about me posting conspiracy bullshit...

I hate to agree, but I agree that these kinds of attacks are a direct result of western interference in the affairs of other sovereign nations. This happens not only in the Middle East, but everywhere. Even Australia has been fucked by the US (see the Dismissal).


--- Quote from: ginger on November 15, 2015, 08:38:22 PM --- This happens not only in the Middle East, but everywhere. Even Australia...

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now imagine giving the aborigines heavy weaponry, vehicles, training, surveillance tech, air support, money, drugs, etc, with orders to take out the prime minister or anyone who supports him...

so the headline "Assad on the Paris terror attack: It's been happening to Syria for 5 years" just kind of hit me.

The people who died in paris weren't expecting anything like it to happen.  They went out that night expecting nothing but a regular fun night. It ended up horrible, but it was still only one night.

People in places like syria have to move from basement to basement, shelter to shelter, tunnel to tunnel, watching people around them getting picked off/abducted... dragged out over a period of years.
 Look at the fear in the messages sent by people in the paris theatre, begging for someone to show up and help them. Look at how emotional people are acting when they report on the one-night tragedy.

What if help never came and the waiting/confusion/panic/uncertainty lasted several months or years...

I'm not trying to pick an argument at all here, I'm just thinking out loud about how terrifying it must be to live in a place like that.


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