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Prodigal Son:
Paris is a tragedy. It was in February too.

I don't intend to discredit the lives lost there but if we are to acknowledge and fear a similar attack; why is it so much worse than the school shootings and other public massacres we have here? Is it because there is an identified enemy and not an excuse of endless lone wolfs?

There is a contingent of Muslim culture that does not support IS and anyone who isn't blinded by racism or ignorance could assume that it is a small part of the 1.6b that supports them or other Islamic factions. Isolating Muslims or Islamist in general will only further their cause though right?

Bombing terrorists creates more terrorists.


--- Quote from: Prodigal Son on November 16, 2015, 12:26:16 AM ---...if we are to acknowledge and fear a similar attack; why is it so much worse than the school shootings and other public massacres we have here? Is it because there is an identified enemy and not an excuse of endless lone wolfs?
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  Are there heavily-funded, highly trained 100,000+ man groups of designated-school-shooters, publicly promising (and often fulfilling the promises) to carry out more, larger school shootings? putting out hi-def promo snuff films?  with uniforms, flags, actual dedicated armies, etc?

When was the last time a school shooting was preceded by mass protests against school shooters overtaking a city? Or a decade long campaign to arm/train/fund the school shooters...

I get what you're saying, but these guys can/have been described as lone wolfs too.  Anything a lone wolf could accomplish, these groups can accomplish, only there are A LOT more of them who are actually active/vocal. It's especially dangerous when the government/media refuse to actually link/associate any of them...

I have a hard time understanding the strategy of such attacks. It feels like becoming a stable caliphate would be desired. It seems like they want to accomplice as much as possible before being bombed to heaven comes.


--- Quote from: JFax on November 16, 2015, 01:57:06 AM --- It seems like they want to accomplice as much as possible before being bombed to heaven comes.

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freudian slip, or deliberate?

    a person who helps another commit a crime.
    synonyms:   partner in crime, associate, accessory, abettor, confederate, collaborator, fellow conspirator, co-conspirator

it won't be easy to sell bombing them to heaven comes when they're spread throughout/beyond every major population center, which is what they've been preaching, in crazy brutal videos and lots of other ways... for years now, very consistently

this is not conspiracy bullshit, these are not ridiculous sources, george bush said sometime around 2003(?) that world war 3 had already started.

George Takei Fears NSA Spying Will Lead to Something Much Worse

--- Quote ---June 11, 2013

...his fears are rooted in the memory of the government persecution he suffered firsthand in a Japanese internment camp.

"Due process is a pillar of our American justice system," the Star Trek star told Daily Intelligencer last night at the Eighth Annual Stella by Starlight Benefit Gala. "We were rounded up simply because we happened to look like the people who bombed Pearl Harbor. And we were put in prison camps with barbed wire and machine guns pointed at us. It was a horrific violation of our Constitution."
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Justice Antonin Scalia says World War II-style internment camps could happen again

--- Quote ---The longest-serving member of the U.S. Supreme Court talks at two isle schools
Feb 4, 2014

...  "you are kidding yourself if you think the same thing will not happen again," Scalia told students and faculty during a lunchtime question-and-answer session.

Scalia cited a Latin expression meaning "In times of war, the laws fall silent."

"That's what was going on — the panic about the war and the invasion of the Pacific and whatnot. That's what happens. It was wrong, but I would not be surprised to see it happen again, in time of war. It's no justification but it is the reality," he said...
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what do you guys think is going to happen if these attacks, or attacks on migrants/refugees continue or get worse? it's been happening in other countries for a few years now, and the results are fucking scary.

but look at what happens to a lot of cities now after the boston bombing if even one person is being hunted like a terrorist.  How many waaay overblown seemingly unnecessary lockdowns/block raids/confrontations have we seen?

What happens when it's real, across multiple locations.... Like what just almost happened before the paris event?

--- Quote from: alaskun on November 14, 2015, 03:26:57 PM ---
--- Quote ---12 nov 2015


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I'm sorry for posting so much, but I've been paying attention to this stuff for a while now, and it doesn't just go away with time when things are only ramping up.  I'm scared, and I want to talk about it. It's definitely possible that I am just being too paranoid and everything will go on as normal for us, but I really don't expect a lot of awesome positive innovations/fixes over the next decade.   

I'll stop now


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