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just heard obama on the radio saying something like "...Apparently they're scared of widows and orphans coming in to the United States of America as part of our tradition of compassion.  At first they were worried about the press being too tough on 'em during debates.  Now they're worried about three-year-old orphans...."

wasn't a woman wearing a suicide vest just killed in paris last night?  what about obama's child soldiers?

Obama Waives Sanctions Again For Countries Using Child Soldiers
Oct. 5, 2011

Isis Video Of Kid Killing Spy:
ISIS child executioners brutally shoot dead 25 Syrian regime soldiers in front of bloodthirsty crowds at ancient Palmyra ruin

and now he's on tv/radio making fun of people who are afraid of this?

remember the big stink over kony 2012, all over child soldiers?

hey guys, I know how we can defeat isis... let's kill their enemies!
Experts Explain How Global Powers Can Smash ISIS

--- Quote ---NOV. 17, 2015

“There is probably no solution to ISIS until there is a solution to Assad,” said J. M. Berger, a scholar at the Brookings Institution and a co-author of the book “ISIS: The State of Terror.” “That is the factor that paralyzes everything else.”

Emile Hokayem, a senior fellow at the International Institute for Strategic Studies, argued that Western powers needed to start identifying Mr. Assad’s government as part of the problem, because its brutality and sectarianism have allowed the Islamic State to thrive.

“Assad is not a sideshow,” he said. “He is at the center of this massive dilemma.”

If the United States went this route, it would immediately have the support of Saudi Arabia and Turkey...
--- End quote ---
saudi arabia and turkey being some of the largest isis supporters...

Narcoleptic Insomniac:
Man, we realize that you have a lot grievances with the US government but using lines like "obama's child soldiers" make you sound like such a fucking tool and basically cancel out any informative value that your walls of text might contain.

Not to defend the government or anything like that, just making an observation.

if there were brigades of ukrainian children training to battle the kiev regime, taking over ancient ruins and executing ukrainians, in propaganda films specially packaged for the west, we'd be hearing all about putin's child soldiers... 

isis, and these kids, are part of obama's legacy. so they're his.

Still. Stop posting tons of links, just makes it longer to scroll through before finding posts worth reading, this isnt a RSS feed. Read the crowd

Fuck. I forgot my tinfoil hat at home. Guess I can't be part of this thread until I have it again.


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