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Turns out all the suspects were EU nationals with European passports. Can't blame the refugees now.

Money is being made off the war on terror. Pretty much sums it all up.


--- Quote from: Kinchy on November 19, 2015, 09:07:56 AM ---Turns out all the suspects were EU nationals with European passports. Can't blame the refugees now.

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doesn't matter where they were from, the (at least one) passport used/found was that of a refugee, whether it was fake or not. you can say refugees weren't involved, but they were absolutely used as cover/camo/distraction.

nobody here, or anywhere that I've seen, is blaming each individual refugee. this isn't racism/xenophobia.  nobody's "blaming the refugees." 
this whole situation, the "refugee crisis" was engineered and forced on us, and bad people are using it as cover to carry out bad acts, and those acts are being used to pass more anti-freedom bullshit which will lead to more wars/more crisis...

the refugee crisis is taking up massive amounts of resources which could otherwise be used for crime/terror-prevention. hundreds of thousands/millions of people coming in from war-torn areas . . . prevention techniques get spread thin. that's common sense.

I've been posting about stuff that would happen as a result of mass-migrations-because-of-our-wars on other forums for years.  what's happening right now is not a surprise to anyone who was actually paying attention to it.

hey, what's the difference between de-radicalisation and re-education? can it happen in one location like saudi arabia, or do we need widespread "de-radicalisation centers?" how long will it take, and what happens in the meantime?

Right so, because a couple of people used the refugee crisis to act as terrorists, we should prevent any coming in?

I assume you would back the banning of guns, because a few idiots use them to kill others?


--- Quote from: alaskun on November 19, 2015, 12:59:02 PM ---nobody's "blaming the refugees." 

--- End quote ---

Hahahahaha, righto mate.


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