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I've been pretty clear from my first post about blaming the people who've caused the crisis - you know by killing qaddafi, trying to oust assad, creating terror groups, etc? All those annoying links I posted?

Some attackers used refugee crisis to 'slip into' France: PM

--- Quote ---Nov 19, 2015

Paris (AFP) - Some of the suspects in the Paris attacks took advantage of Europe's migrant crisis to "slip in" unnoticed, the French premier said Thursday,
--- End quote ---

I know there are a lot of people outside of bikeguide blaming them, and maybe one or two here, but in this thread?

I know that you aren't blaming the refugees, but just about every other cunt out there is.

I know this thread has moved on but just thought I'd share my experience as I was there with my girlfriend to celebrate her birthday.

Gives me the chills as I'd suggested getting tickets to see EODM last minute but 'fortunately', if that is the correct word, we couldn't get any on the door that evening.

We got caught up in the false alarm on Sunday evening which was bad enough - literally the scariest fucking thing I've experienced. Chilling eating dinner on Rue Montorgueil which is a long street full of restaurants where everyone sits outside, we hear this banging and see people come around the corner screaming. Now picture 100+ people all trying to get up from their tables trying to make a run for it, it was literal chaos; tables, chairs, drinks flying everywhere. We both hit the deck and I got trampled on, ended up smashing my nose on the pavement before we both got up and ran down a side street to hide in a laundrette with a few others. I think people thought I'd been shot as the blood from my nose was all over my shirt so that created even more panic as we got there.

We were hiding in there for what feels like forever but realistically it was probably all done in a few minutes. Sounds cliché but life literally flashed before my eyes, thoughts about friends, family, key moments etc - it was nuts. We were hugging and I was thinking 'fuck me this can't be it, it's not our time', expecting someone to burst in the door and start shooting or something.

Thankfully the people that did burst in were armed police to inform us that everything was ok.

That was all over a false alarm so I literally can't imagine how those trapped in the actual shootings were feeling, absolutely horrible.

Well fuck, that's some coincidence right there. Glad you and the lady are alright. (Save for the nose).


--- Quote from: jeffro on November 21, 2015, 05:43:25 AM ---We got caught up in the false alarm on Sunday evening

--- End quote ---
was that when somebody threw fireworks near one of the vigils? did they ever get caught? have you already left the city/how was travel affected?


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