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America does shady things. Sure a lot of it is completely unjustifiable in hindsight but no one could've ever known how the future would've turned out. I'm sure were gonna fuck up some stuff today and they are gonna lead to the problems of tomorrow but that's just how the world works. 'The sons bear the sins of father', it's a universal truth.

America is the best chance in equality the world has right now. You can talk all these erosions of freedom and what nots but we're still living a better life than most regardless. It's not perfect but fuck man we have a black president and that says a lot whether you agree or not.


--- Quote from: condrbkr on November 24, 2015, 03:51:37 PM ---America does shady things. Sure a lot of it is completely unjustifiable in hindsight but no one could've ever known how the future would've turned out.
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bull. fucking. shit. plenty of people warned against exactly what's happening right now, but...

--- Quote from: condrbkr on November 24, 2015, 03:51:37 PM ---America is the best chance in equality the world has right now. You can talk all these erosions of freedom and what nots but we're still living a better life than most regardless. It's not perfect but fuck man we have a black president and that says a lot whether you agree or not.

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you're seriously fucking retarded.  So the president/leading political figure pushing hardest to divide/erode certain rights is somehow the bastion/protector/guardian saint of those rights? Just because he's black?

You used the word "still."  Ok, for how much longer?  Do you not see things changing for the worse? At what point will you, if ever, acknowledge that the worsening is deliberate? sure we're "still" free in many senses, but those freedoms are/have been under regular/increasing attacks, and the president is at the front of that assault. Claiming the color of his skin as some sort of proof that we're not getting screwed... you're crazy.

People [like me] have been accurately calling out the obvious repercussions [of arming terrorists while demonizing free speech and other basic rights] over the past few years, and people like you have been trying to shut the discussion down because A) "that's crazy talk", or B) the black president can't be criticized, because "nevermind all the evidence that shit is getting bad and that he's lying to cover for/progress it, his skin color/position is proof/a symbol of everything that makes this country great." 
nonsense, garbage, not factual in the least, totally ignorant, probably racist...
His color/politically correct infallibility is being used against us, which is another thing we/I called out, and you're here acting like it's our saving grace.

get fucked


--- Quote from: condrbkr on November 24, 2015, 03:51:37 PM ---America is the best chance in equality the world has right now.

--- End quote ---

Are you high or just deluded?

Today I went to work, had some really good Ethiopian food, bought a tube so I can ride this week sometime. Went home and read somebody's retarded viewpoints that could get him killed in a totalitarian regime. Good thing we don't live in a totalitarian regime. Jacked off to free HD porn then Netflixed cartoons on my Macbook while I took a nap. My biggest qualm was that the tube was $7…. Oh wait…. Obama destroyed my constitutional rights!? Totally forgot that, ruined my day. ;p

It's funny that you're acting bratty about a 7 dollar tube and equating that to freedoms being lost...   The city I live in has the second or third highest cost of living in the country.  The city's recently made it so they can fine/eventually arrest people for using woodstoves, while deliberately keeping energy prices high, at the same time that the power company has had more outages than ever.   Do you think that's going to get any better with people like obama pushing for carbon taxes and other phony environmental punishments?

energy, natural resources, fish and game, industrial/manufacturing, etc... walk into a real world work place and make your little joke about constitutional rights, as if nothing's changed in the past 7 years, and see how many people laugh


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