The Street > The Lounge

BG secret santa?

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well poo. I mean I would organize it but not sure on how to go about it I guess if people want to message me by the 22nd and i'll make a list?


--- Quote from: Cole on November 17, 2015, 09:31:09 AM ---Don't think so. I believe Alex said he wasn't going to organize one again after last year.

--- End quote ---

I don't remember saying that. I though last year's went well. I think the year prior to that one was the that went badly and I said I wasn't sure on doing it again but enough people were interested and we ran it. If there's enough interest this year, we can do one.

How many people we have frequent this place anymore? Like 6? Haha.

I usually started the thread right after Thanksgiving.

Fair enough, must have gotten my years confused then.

Id be in for it again if it happens.

Really enjoyed being involved last year, if my money situation is better when the thread is posted up ill be back in for uk secret santa!

id be in, guess i should post  more lol


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