The Street > The Lounge


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Anyone else noticed the shitstorm around this?

Tall Opinion:
I think it's hilarious. Adam LZ opens his mouth and i cringe before he even begins to speak.

I don't know anything about this guy except he made a lame video proposing to his gf.

Adam LZ is a bellend, he is just another internet personality that will disappear into obscurity and will be left wondering what happened.

Dig started off, and will always be, awesome.

I just dont get why he'd feel the need to even say some self fellating shit like that. He's probably right though about the whole getting kids interested in bmx. Dig still put/ puts out better content. I can't understand the YouTube personality thing, but I don't think I'm supposed to.

I will also say that Tom White's "trash talk" bummed me out way more. I'm all for talking shit, but that was some twelve year old Call of Duty type shit.


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