The Street > The Lounge


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from a business point of view, absolutely. its got to be difficult running a bmx company and juggling staying true to the older riders vs staying financially viable which means bending to what the market wants ie what kids want and what their parents will pay for. i totally understand why he would do that, but personally theres a lot of other companies id much rather support before stranger even before the team quitting


--- Quote from: JFax on December 08, 2015, 03:44:52 AM ---It seems like new BMX companies can make a reasonable big buck in the first two or three years and then the brand is forgotten.

--- End quote ---

Yeah, except for Cult, they seem to have some real staying power 5+ years on?

Oh and, Fuck LZ, long live Dig and whatnot.

Can someone just tell me how the fuck you say his surname?

Can I get a TL;DR? All I saw was some pussy bitch headline on Facebook saying he is "quitting BMX cos of da feelz".

ABD Ian Schwartz


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