The Street > The Lounge

you bunch of old *****

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For fucks sake, Cole. The first comment was an okay zinger at best. You're only making yourself look like an ass while trying to beat up on someone when they're in a rough situation. Though maybe that's tough to comprehend for a bitch made internet tough guy.

ginger's right. It'd be one thing if you were actualy funny, but you're on par with 13 year olds on XBOX right now. "LOL ur EX is having SEX" x3. Are serious dude? That's the best you have? Fuck outta here.

seriously cole, youre an idiot. in a thread where everyone is talking about responsibilities and life after being a bmx punk kid, you come in with that kind of troll shit. cant believe im even having to say this but grow up. for your own sake, as well as ours

I'll be 25 in July. Hard to believe I started my park rat BMX days 10 years ago and now I am getting ready to sit for my CFA and CFP designations. Times change and careers get in the way I guess, I still miss blasting quarters at the park though. I don't miss the fact that I knocked my teeth out doing so....

Prodigal Son:
I still don't think of myself of more than a punk kid. Level 3 punk kid with brain damage and sterilized, otherwise the same.

Speaking of one of those traits, ginger, a vasectomy ain't shit. Do it.

A part of me wants to get the snip done, but at the same time I can't fully commit to it just yet. If my daughter hits 10 and I haven't found anybody else worthy of my seed, I'll probably get it done. Fuck having more kids that late in life.


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