The Street > The Lounge

you bunch of old *****

<< < (5/25) > >>

Mortgages are a fucking joke, I pay 650 a month and only 110 is actually taken off

I turn 32 at the end of next month.

It doesn't feel right at all.  Seriously, I feel like I'm perpetually 27 now.  Except that I own a house and have practically adopted my girlfriends kid.

I turned 29 yesterday.

1.9% with zero fees now though losers, sexier than anything from the 'attractive women' thread (rip).

Just turned 29. Still no savings to speak of because I'm choosing location over income. When will I learn? At least I get to ride something every day.

Dreading every single step towards the inevitable shift of emphasis from flexibility to income. ):


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