The Street > The Lounge

you bunch of old *****

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Tony Harrison:
23. Quit riding to wear a suit every day and make rich people richer. Sound.

28 in a month. Married. Have an apartment finally. Still ride every weekend. Decent job. Life is pretty pretty good.

You dudes that are my age and owning houses make me feel inadequate.

Hank Chinaski:

--- Quote from: Donald on January 15, 2016, 08:53:28 PM ---28 in a month. Married. Have an apartment finally. Still ride every weekend. Decent job. Life is pretty pretty good.

You dudes that are my age and owning houses make me feel inadequate.

--- End quote ---

Southern California is one of the worst real estate markets in the country though.

32 years old.  About to get married this year and then travel around for a bit longer.  Trying to wait on having a family until I've gotten most of my wild oats sewn.

28 years old.  Not married but will have been living with the lady for a couple years this spring.  Kids; hell nah.  No pets anymore either, and not in a huge hurry to adopt more.

Would eventually like to own a home but the housing market where I live and work is fucking bonkers right now.  I'm hoping my landlord decides to sell off some of her buildings in her old age so I can actually buy one for a reasonable price (she's done it before and I've known her for years so that's not as implausible as it sounds).  Either way, I like my neighborhood and I'm staying here even if I have to keep renting.

Business ownership includes enough responsibility that I feel like a real adult finally, but I'm still afforded enough free time to have fun.  All in all enjoying my late 20s, the lifestyle is pretty good.



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