The Street > The Lounge

you bunch of old *****

<< < (11/25) > >>

25, worrying about my tax return. Still ride a lot, not making much improvement, enjoy it but wish I had some trails. Most of my good friends from BMX have bigwheels now.

18, officially Bikeguide's youngest member or what?

Just found out my sister+brother-in-law are up to their eyeballs in mortgage repayments and credit card debt. Both just hit 30 and only lived on their own for 2 years. A part of me is concerned, but a little part of me is giggling my arse off at the hypocritical austerity language they are now using.

Will be 30 in a few weeks.

24. Though in the shower the other day I had to do math to remember how old I was. Luckily at first I was thinking I was 25 but it didn't seem like I was that fuckin' dusty yet.


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