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you bunch of old *****

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--- Quote from: ginger on January 27, 2016, 04:21:18 PM ---That sounds excellent. A part of me wants to move out a bit further, get a decent block and work from home, but there's no good pubs.

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drink at home, be a hermit.

I'm a social butterfly. Oh, and I need to be close to the airport for work.

The town closest to me (7k away has three pubs and a cidery). This is about to get full blown old man but I'm really loving having a veggie patch and some gardens. Hate mowing the lawn but feels good mowing my lawn


--- Quote from: Dr. Steve Brule on January 14, 2016, 08:11:02 AM ---Aye mortgages are a shiter in that way. I put an extra £100 a month on top of mine, worked out decent as after 5 years of owning when me and the ex-Mrs sold it I had an extra 6k put into it.

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--- Quote from: MEAT on January 14, 2016, 07:57:00 AM ---Approx bronze age. Bg dad chat: came to renew my mortgage yesterday, turns out I'd paid £41,000 over the first 5 yr period, 37k of that was interest. 'Oh bother' I said.

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i'm not 100% on retail residential mortgages in the UK, but after your initial two years fixed terms, you have no more penalty to shop around. This means a basic move called re-financing is possible - basically you find a bank that offers lower interest rate, you shift your mortgage over to them, the new bank pays off the amount you owe the original bank immediately in a lump sum, then you owe the same amount OF PRINCIIPAL to the new bank. and since they use a lower interest rate, you end up paying less as interests.

you can therefore decide to pay the same amount each month and pay off the house sooner, or stay with the same payment period and pay less each month.

you can basically just go into each bank and ask to talk a a mortgage advisor, and tell them you're ready to refiance your house, and you'll be shopping around all the banks for the best rates, then ask them what they can offer. shop around and let the banks offer you rates.


--- Quote from: ginger on January 20, 2016, 06:35:23 PM ---Just found out my sister+brother-in-law are up to their eyeballs in mortgage repayments and credit card debt.

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if you feel generous enough to give them a piece of advice, credit card debt is the worst debt that one can have, since they charge an effective interest rate of 20-60% APR, whereas a mortgage can be from 2%-7% APR. What they want to do, is to ask the bank if the mortgage can be extended at all, and reborrow however much is needed to pay off teh credit card debt IMMEDIATELY.

sell a liver, rob a blind 5 year old autistic grandmother or whatever, steal cigarettes instead of smoking, whatever. pay off the credit card debt IMMEDIATELY.


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