The Street > The Lounge

you bunch of old *****

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Aesop Rock:

--- Quote from: ginger on January 28, 2016, 04:44:48 AM ---
--- Quote from: ediotism on January 28, 2016, 12:14:17 AM ---if you feel generous enough to give them a piece of advice, credit card debt is the worst debt that one can have, since they charge an effective interest rate of 20-60% APR, whereas a mortgage can be from 2%-7% APR. What they want to do, is to ask the bank if the mortgage can be extended at all, and reborrow however much is needed to pay off teh credit card debt IMMEDIATELY.

sell a liver, rob a blind 5 year old autistic grandmother or whatever, steal cigarettes instead of smoking, whatever. pay off the credit card debt IMMEDIATELY.

--- End quote ---

Don't worry, I know all this and I probably should tell them but I'm too busy dying from a dire case of schadenfreude.

--- End quote ---

25 feels like 27. About to finish uni and whatevers next will be good.

25. The thought of paying mortgages one day scares me.

29 next week, fucks sake

Need to add to this adult chat - just found out the gf is preggers with twins.


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