The Street > The Lounge

Harry Main Explains

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--- Quote from: MEAT on January 15, 2016, 04:16:10 AM ---
--- Quote from: LukeTom on January 14, 2016, 07:35:27 PM --- he doesn't mention how these shops are also a hub for the scene of an area.

--- End quote ---

Still though?.... not convinced.

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I still think bike shops are an important part of the BMX industry, perhaps its an antiquated view and perhaps not the 'hub' but an integral part. I know bike shops which sponsor jams etc. not to mention that from where I am, they sell probably 50% of the completes to kids (which tend to last much longer than the internet brought ones). Maybe we are moving away from this, but I still think it is somewhat important to retain. Certainly more important than jumping on the internet cash cow like Mr. Main has done.

cut the shops out and you'll need a credit card

how many youngsters have one?

He can do what he wants, the core group of riders see straight through it and complete sales were dropping before Mafia spawned from the Amity Bike Co shit show anyway.

What I find frustrating is his explanation that 'a bike costs probably a third of the price of what they think it costs, that they can buy it from me for that price' - that's fucking bullshit! Mafia are adding their markup onto there and his royalty too. It's almost like he is trying to paint himself as a patron saint of cheap BMX for kids, when they are doing no different than the distros and stores themselves by adding margin on to operate as a business.

I think a better explanation is needed for the kids who read that and think that shops are out to screw them - it's covered pretty well in an article by The Union but I'm not sure that demographic will ever read it.

what an incoherent bunch of bollocks. i went into this having respect for harry main's riding, if not for his mark webb-lite image, but it took about two paragraphs for him to prove himself a rambling idiot.

the uk already has the shittiest bmx image there is, if he wants to make it even worse that's on his conscience.

i'd personally rather bmx was a sport of elitist luddites that are down for life than the hallmark of chavs before they can afford their first mopeds.



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