The Street > The Lounge

Harry Main Explains

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Amazon and ebay are getting a cut as well


--- Quote from: LukeTom on January 14, 2016, 07:35:27 PM ---how these shops are also a hub for the scene of an area

--- End quote ---

I never bought this. Shops give themselves way too much credit for creating and nurturing scenes. It is like some fucked up guilt trip attempt to create brand loyalty.
Scenes can support shops but shops don't really support a scene. They can sell shit. That's what a retailer does. Sell shit well, compete well.

Harry Main is selling bikes direct to get kids into riding... 'Cos you know, that's a market that knows how to put a bike together from scratch. Skipping steps like retailers and wholesalers means you've got less to cover your ass when your cheap bike comes out of the box fucked.

Fair game to him but I don't see it working out.

Has Harry Main ever heard of EMPIRE BMX? He better has. Although they probably didn't hear of him either. Which is cool.

Kids are gonna get whatevers cool. If they see Mafia bike complete online cause they're sweating Harry Main, they'll get that. If they're sweating Chase Hawk they'll get a Cult. Bikes are generally handled as a bit of investment compared to something you just go to the store and get.

I wanna say the majority of 'looking for a new bike' consumers still get their parts at bike stores cause it is a bit of an investment. They'd rather directly talk to specialist cause they know lick about bikes and it's not like BMX is friendly for online researching. This one small company will make a lick of difference, I imagine only people specifically seeking out Mafia Bikes would get one. How many times have we bought something at a higher price without knowing a cheaper alternative has existed.


--- Quote from: manwe link=topic=221492.msg3720871#msg3720871 date=1452889882
the uk already has the shittiest bmx image there is
[/quote ---
i would disagree with this
--- End quote ---


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