The Street > The Lounge

Harry Main Explains

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--- Quote from: LeonLikesToRock on January 15, 2016, 05:12:59 PM ---
--- Quote from: LukeTom on January 14, 2016, 07:35:27 PM ---how these shops are also a hub for the scene of an area

--- End quote ---

I never bought this. Shops give themselves way too much credit for creating and nurturing scenes. It is like some fucked up guilt trip attempt to create brand loyalty.
Scenes can support shops but shops don't really support a scene. They can sell shit. That's what a retailer does. Sell shit well, compete well.

Harry Main is selling bikes direct to get kids into riding... 'Cos you know, that's a market that knows how to put a bike together from scratch. Skipping steps like retailers and wholesalers means you've got less to cover your ass when your cheap bike comes out of the box fucked.

Fair game to him but I don't see it working out.

--- End quote ---
While I agree with you about most shops, its not always the case. A shop can certainly give back,and a good one understands that not only are things about more than money, but building a scene is good for business.

Its an extreme example, but you cannot deny that Empire has built a scene.

His 360 inverts are alright but he seems like a bit of a dick.

The quality and value of completes these days is pretty astonishing.

We have a special feature that I can't talk about just yet that no other bike brand has ever made before on a frame.
This is going to be awesome, I for one cannot wait. I've already sold all my other BMX frames in anticipation.

Can we get a list going to see who guesses the secret feature

Special heat treat like ukbikeco did that made the frame weaker lol
8mm thick hollow bb that's twice as strong but the same weight (borrow Sunday's logic and apply to unnecessary areas

Prodigal Son:
Special paint job.


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