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Harry Main Explains

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--- Quote from: Eggit2 on January 17, 2016, 10:13:21 AM ---While I agree with you about most shops, its not always the case. A shop can certainly give back,and a good one understands that not only are things about more than money, but building a scene is good for business.

Its an extreme example, but you cannot deny that Empire has built a scene.

--- End quote ---

I think you mean that you can't deny that Empire has built a ramp. Empire is great but it isn't 9th St, House Park, several street spots, your favourite and any number of other riders combined with the ridiculous growth of that city. I would say the other points have a lot more to do with a scene than a shop/mailorder. Certainly not saying Empire isn't a great shop. I'm saying it isn't the Austin BMX scene (even if it is that scene's favourite shop).

Being a BMX shop that doesn't have a local presence is retail suicide, as I'm sure we'd all agree. That shop depends on the scene for business, so you can't say whatever support they give is more than money as it is an attempt to create brand loyalty and/or advertise (and there is nothing wrong with that!). The BMX scene doesn't depend on a local shop (unless that shop happens to be one of the only places to ride) it depends on people riding. So as nice as that cool shop is, it isn't the scene.

What I was saying is that the impact of this riders choice to get a Harry Main bike direct over an FBM from that hard working local shop does not hurt BMX. It hurts a local shop and a company which could not compete in this case. That kid is just as likely to be riding his direct Harry main bike as he is to be riding his hard working local shop bike.The riding is the same, so the effect on BMX is the same. Sucks for the local shop and company, but that's retail not BMX.

A while back Vein BMX opened and Solid stopped making frames. Now, both of those things should have been fucking terrible for BMX, right? Shops and core brands are apparently a big part of BMX. Neither did fuck all to BMX. Might've had a small effect on the retail BMX business for a minute there, but no one stopped riding over it.

Prodigal Son:
I'm still of the mind that we should support the community in a direct and personal sense. If I buy a pair of Lotek, in a small part of my minds recesses I think I helped Jason Enns keep getting shoes.


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