The Street > The Lounge

To those who have broken chains mid pedal...

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Just realised that I havent broken a chain in years, perhaps 6?

I used to break chains like if it was a hobby back in the 45t days.

Should probably get a new and stronger chain...

I broke 2 chains in one week once. Made me not want to pedal ever for a few months.

I busted a chain cranking across a parking lot at a dirt pile jump thing. Somehow managed to not lose my teeth or use of my knees, but definitely road rashed the shit out of myself. Honestly, I'm not sure I've cranked that hard since.

its a nasty feeling when you hear that ping and clunk of your chain snapping as youre cranking, a split second before you slam into the front end of your bike and go down

regularly changing my chain to avoid this
510hx's going 8years strong

I've always feared snapping a chain while dartingthriugh busy traffic. one time I ate shit bunnyhipping a median as oncoming traffic just got a green and started smashing towards me


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