The Street > The Lounge

To those who have broken chains mid pedal...

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--- Quote from: blueee on January 20, 2016, 09:07:35 PM ---regularly changing my chain to avoid this
510hx's going 8years strong

I've always feared snapping a chain while dartingthriugh busy traffic. one time I ate shit bunnyhipping a median as oncoming traffic just got a green and started smashing towards me

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This was what I tried 6 years ago. Then chains stopped to snap. They just kept snapping ONLY 4-6 times a year.
Then I changed to 510hx copy by another chain maker, not KMC. Let's say the same as Cult is using.
No chain snapped in last 4 years.

Finn the Human:
I broke a chain crossing at some traffic lights years ago. Over the bars and awkwardly went back to pick up my chain while trying to pretend it didn't hurt. This was at the time I was running a ghetto half-link made out of a normal link that was bent. It wasn't even the half link that broke  :'(

Haven't had a major broken chain involved incident, but I did have a new freewheel go without any warning riding home from school on a busy road in the rain. Gouged knee pretty good on the stem on the way over the bars, some dude and his wife were nice enough to give me a lift to my street in there old pickup truck bed after seeing me drop like a sack of bricks.

I crossed the big street like 4 lanes / tram lines / 4 lanes. And the police bus was stopped on the other side. Wanted to pass so they could see me braking rules and pass just behind them. Made 4 lanes and tram line, then faceplanted in the middle of the last 4 lanes just next to their bus. They saw me but didnt acted. It was at least akward/weird. Broke my thumb. Had to run with the bike cause all the cars were approching fast. went back for the chain. go back to the other side - tram lines and first 4 lanes. use one of two tshirts to remove blood from my hand. left the bloody tshirt there. Had to Connect snapped chain with broken finger and two big rocks as it was 10km from my place, 2:00AM. then rode home with cracked finger. worst case ever. and of course.... loved KMC 510HX. I hate it. And I stopped using it.

had one snap cranking to get across a 4 lane road. went otb and ate shit. i dont think ive pedaled that hard since. i try to change my chain once a year now.


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