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currently salmon is worth more than crude oil

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--- Quote from: JFax on January 26, 2016, 04:32:45 AM ---makes sense in your area.
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Oh, so you've solved the trucking it in VS pipeline VS other/cheaper/more available fuels debates. Mountains, rivers, idling diesel engines, entire city works/infrastructure projects be damned, you've figured it out...

--- Quote from: JFax on January 26, 2016, 04:32:45 AM ---Artificial controlled forest fires in an area prone for forest fires

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accidental/surprise fires that affect residential areas are different from actual deliberately-set controlled burns in isolated areas.  Can you understand that?  I'm not talking about controlled burns, I'm talking about the artillery ranges and other army stuff that admittedly, repeatedly accidentally starts massive fires, which make our air yellower/stinkier than any time ever in the winter when woodstoves are in use, which is never accounted for in any of the "air quality" legislation.

I understand you're just trying to insult me, but stop acting retarded. It (here anyways) very openly/clearly has nothing to do with banning 'open fires' or preventing the spread of fire, it's about air quality/cleanliness.  Clean air, not fires.   They aren't implementing burn bans when it's -15 and there's 3 feet of snow covering everything because of the chance of wildfires, they're doing it because they say the air quality is bad.

I swear to god bikeguide is still the worst website I've ever been a part of as far as people deliberately twisting what I write


--- Quote from: Cole on January 25, 2016, 07:38:39 PM ---Wow. Just wow.

Speaking of the military doing shit in the US, did they take over Texas when Jade Helm happened? No? They didn't? Oh, ok.

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This is just like when you dropped a bunch of 4chan references in order to insinuate that I'm some sort of 4chan user/loser/bad person.

"Oh, ok"

Were you expecting some sort of takeover plot/event? Why are you acting like I was?  I wasn't, and I never posted anything of the sort.  Many other people in other places did, sure, but not me, not here or anywhere.  Why are you acting like I or anyone else here did? 

People were concerned about massive displays of incremental militarization, and idiots like you have been acting like they were all saying the sky is falling/the end is near/doomsday/rapture/etc... only referencing the craziest theories instead of the actual valid complaints/concerns, as if your assertion, or your interpretation; that jade helm = dramatic military takeover, obviously not coming to fruition, is somehow proof that all of their very real concerns were crazy/wrong/dismissable...

stop projecting, asshole.

I assure you, my intent was not to insult you.

I only get on BG when I have a few min to spare at work and had a quick glance at what you wrote and it seemed logical. If you now say that the set fires are unsafe then it doesnt make sense.

I however do not want to post anything in your threads ever again since you seem to twist what what everyone writes and insult anyone commenting on it. Might very well be that people have twisted what you say but you are still doing it yourself.

No, alaskun, I'm not projecting. Your theories are only hilarious, nothing more to me.

Since you live in a democratic society, you could always run for office and make your constituents wear tinfoil hats too, while making america great again.

No need to get butthurt over someone laughing at your conspiracy theories on a bmx forum. Have a good one, friend.

Edit: While I have you here, do you believe that the US military can control the weather with HAARP? Or that HAARP is a mind control device?

Do you need to see a specialist? Or do you just want adult supervision at all times? Do you need a hug? Everything is going to be alright, tiger.

"Currently salmon is worth more that crude oil"

What the fuck does that even mean? A barrel of salmon? One salmon is worth more than one crude oil? Will salmon power my petrol lawnmower? So many questions.

And then barrage of seemingly unrelated shit about forest fires. And no links or text walls.

Someone please give me some context. I live in a cottage in Kent, will using my chimney affect my petrol price and/or the salmon fishcake I ate yesterday?


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