The Street > The Lounge

currently salmon is worth more than crude oil

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Kinchy, how isn't this obvious to you? It's obviously a plot. Global warming is just a MYTH, that is peddled to you morons who don't pay attention to what's really going on. Ash-ridden air so thick you can barely breathe or see six inches in front of you has no impact on anything whatsoever, except they make the chemtrails visible if you're not a sheeple and have the Smoggles they sell in the survivalist shop that is run by that guy who's definitely not a deranged neo-Nazi. Barack HUSSEIN Obama has been planning this all along. Didn't you see him at COP21? They don't even pretend that they're not trying to act like the world police and tell me whether or not combusting a carbon-based finite resource to my heart's content is clever or not when there are multiple alternatives available. The Czech Republic were there. Bit funny, no? Seeing as they've started injecting methane gas into kittens just because the communists are rebuilding in Austria and they signed a deal that means salmon imported from Indonesia must travel through ISIS territory:

So you go ahead and recycle your plastic bottles because the GOVERNMENT want you to and I'll just sit here burning wood for the sake of it and trawling Twitter for pictures of a truck in Benghazi that has a logo on it that's a bit similar to one a gas company used to have. Don't come running to me when Hillary Clinton bombs Fiji again and you have to survive on "fluoride" water the CIA invented when they were trying to bring Ronald Reagan back to life because he had the keys to Saddam's launch codes for the weapons that Palestine have hidden in the oil wells at the Bush Ranch.


--- Quote from: Liam on January 26, 2016, 02:26:58 PM ---Ash-ridden air so thick you can barely breathe or see six inches in front of you has no impact on anything whatsoever

--- End quote ---
the only time it's EVER like that is in the summer, which has absolutely nothing to do with woodstoves.

thanks for playing though

Wood stoves are ridiculously inefficient and should be phased out. You're a numpty.

Hank Chinaski:
I gotta side with Alaskun on this one. While burning natural gas might be better that says nothing to the earth-ruining extraction methods, carbon footprint from the supply lines, ruining pristine lands with pipelines, not to mention the massive fucking leak in California. People are evacuated, kids having health problems, unknown environmental damage. Just because it's clean and easy at your house doesn't mean it's a clean fuel. Compare that to someone who owns their land, cuts and seasons their own lumber, replants lumber (which actually adds something), and warms their own home for free.
It's like fucking rain barrels in Colorado. They're illegal. The bullshit reason: The water belongs to everyone and you can't steal your neighbors water. Real reason: We want you to buy the water from us instead of collecting it for free.

Narcoleptic Insomniac:
Salmon is delicious.


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