The Street > The Lounge

currently salmon is worth more than crude oil

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Prodigal Son:
My area has had chimney fires banned for a while, weather dependent though. If there has been rain, wind, or something to dissipate the particulate out of the valley, then you can burn. Otherwise, you don't in risk of being seen by a vehicle who will kind of easily find you if you are in there proximity. I think you get a ticket your first offense, but I think you might get a warning. Either way, I think subsequent infractions are more severe each time. There are also loopholes as I understand. One being if you are rural and do not have alternative heating methods.


--- Quote from: LeonLikesToRock on January 25, 2016, 06:13:15 PM ---Do you guys have a problem with fires

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in the summer, yes, but this has nothing to do with fire danger.  Burn-ban or not the army regularly 'accidentally' sets massive fires and gets away with it. Air quality/visibility in the summer can be HORRIBLE but you never hear about anyone paying for it. It's about controlling peoples' heat source in the winter.

--- Quote from: LeonLikesToRock on January 25, 2016, 06:13:15 PM ---or are you just being bent over?

--- End quote ---
If nature doesn't do it every summer, the army regularly starts massive fires that destroy homes/properties, displacing many people, disrupting everyday life, and very much negatively affecting the tourism industry, not to mention the air quality.

But smokey/smoggy skies in the winter are an excuse for the legislature to ruin/take more homes, and they're doing it...

We voted against the measures they want to enforce, and they started implementing them anyways saying the voters "misunderstood the morals of clean air" or some garbage...

Wow. Just wow.

Speaking of the military doing shit in the US, did they take over Texas when Jade Helm happened? No? They didn't? Oh, ok.

Prodigal Son:
They certainly didn't refuse federal aid after floods.

Wood stoves cause aerosoles while burning natural gas doesnt. Banning open fires and pushing for gas heating makes sense in your area.

Artificial controlled forest fires in an area prone for forest fires makes sense if it can prevent wide spread uncontrollable forest fires.

Based on your posts it seems like you overreact.


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