The Street > The Lounge

I drove through the snow about a month ago

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--- Quote from: Hank Chinaski on February 06, 2016, 09:27:19 PM ---

That's crazy.  Maybe it's because my truck is white but by the time a snowsnorm finally melts here in Denver, my car is covered in black road grime and salt.  I can't imagine not washing that off for 2 solid years, haha.

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My car is a mess. Its black , so everything shows. It rained a week or so ago so the worst of it got off. I just stopped caring about it after the transmission let go. Looking to upgrade soon

Prodigal Son:

--- Quote from: LuckyLuke on February 07, 2016, 08:41:53 AM ---Is under coating a car just a upsell everywhere else in North America? It's just a thing you do every year here. (Halifax, Nova Scotia)

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I've never been offered in California.

Kyle V.:
Hose it down really good, get the wheel wells and everything.

I drove my current car in one good Michigan winter and when I went to do the brakes this summer, it was a shit show. So much rust.

If you're still driving that Ranger, pay special attention to washing the rear frame off. The back 2 feet is where they rot the worst, and the radiator support in the front. I had almost the same truck and I had to replace the spring shackles because they disintegrated, and patch the radiator support because it rotted off.


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